How to stay focused

Health related question in topics Health Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How to stay focused”,you can compare them.

Write a task list, break big projects into smaller parts, schedule breaks, prioritize tasks, and most importantly get sleep!ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to stay focused
・ 1 Your focus is directly related to your level of commitment to what ever or whoever you are dealing… ・ 2 Once you have defined your level of focus on a particular item REPEAT and reuse this mantra. “ALL THAT… ・ 3 Last and not le…
・ Exert your willpower. It’s the hardest thing in the world to stay focused, but you must force your thoughts… ・ Discover a purpose to help drive you. We usually lack motivation or a purpose. Have you ever thought… ・ Clarify your goal. …
just listen and be aware on the speaker or think only about it. be responsible.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to Stay Focused in Class and on Exams?
Q: I’m focused most of the time but sometimes I have those days when I really can’t concentrate, and those are the worst days because when my mind starts wandering I tend to miss big parts of the lesson. Plus I have a problem with focusing on tests. I’m taking a pretty rigorous course load next year–two AP classes and two honors(I’m a sophomore, by the way)–and I want to stay focused so I don’t miss anything. Does anyone have any tips for me on how to stay focused?
A: I had problems paying attention during tests too, particularly the SAT and AP tests. I got over it by taking boring-as-hell practice tests as long as I could without wandering off. The distractions came less frequently as I practiced more. Not to mention they helped my grades a lot since I knew more material. Try practice tests at http://aptests.brinkster.netGood luck!
How to stay focused with school work?
Q: I’m having problems staying focused with my school work. All of my classes are online but whenever I get on the computer to do work I end up going to Y!A or just surfing around. I end up wasting do much time and I never get anything done. It’s not that the work is really hard for me, I get all A’s I just can’t stay focused. Any tips on how to focus?Please don’t say I should go to regular school or I have ADD/ADHD.
A: I’ve experienced online classes too and yes it is hard to stay focused. Just set rules for yourself. Devote a time slot just for you and your school work. Self discipline plays a huge part. Just gotta say to yourself “Okay self, i need to get this done then i can play the rest of the time or else i’m going to be behind and i’ll get stressed”
How can I stay focused during the University years?
Q: I’m 17, and have just graduated High School. I’m going on to study Journalism at Uni, but am worried I won’t stay focused for long as I’ve always had a bit of a sub standard work ethic. Apart from the on-campus library, I won’t have access to any other environment suitable for studying – and my home is ALWAYS full of distractions. How can I stay focused, stay on task, and do well at University?
A: picture yourself saying the following for the next 50 years, “Welcome to WalMart. cash or credit today?” OR “Would you like to super size that?”as for studying, 40 yours a week outside your noisy home seems like adequate time to manage studying, attending classes, and all the other attendant work needed to pass college. Be at school from 8:30 – 5 every day, THAT problem is solved <applause>Now, if your fam-damily knows you are going to college, and they support you, they will have to learn that sometimes you need to be left undisturbed. This can be accomplished by wearing a silly hat when studying: when the hat is on, you are ‘invisible’. They should also allow for some quiet time for you, and you need to respect their right to be as noisy as they want at other times. It is all about mutual respect.
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