If you dream about water, can it mean that your pregnant

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Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity. Dreaming of muddy water is a sign of sadness. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-dream-about-water%2C-can-it-mean-that-your-pregnant ]
More Answers to “If you dream about water, can it mean that your pregnant
What does it mean to have a dream about your water breaking while…?
It’s just that your excited and ready to give birth to him. As much as we would like to think our dreams are premonitions, they really aren’t. They are just our subconscious mind sorting out our thoughts in our sleep. At 38 weeks I can tell…

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If you keep have dreams about swiming in water does it mean your pregnant?
Q: They say if you dream about water it means your pregnant…Is this true?
A: No actually im wiccan and i believe when you dream your swimming in water your about to be a friend to a pregant women that will conceive at same time your dreaming and it is a sign that she is conceiving and baby will be close to you!Lacosta
What does it mean to have a dream about your water breaking while you’re pregnant?
Q: I am 38 weeks and he’s definitely ready to come, but my body is putting up a fight as my midwife says. I’ve been having constant dreams that my water breaks, but I never end up getting to the part where I give birth to him. Not because it doesn’t happen, I just always end up waking up before that point. Is this just wishful thinking, a premonition of things to come, or does it mean something else?
A: It’s just that your excited and ready to give birth to him. As much as we would like to think our dreams are premonitions, they really aren’t. They are just our subconscious mind sorting out our thoughts in our sleep. At 38 weeks I can tell you are probably more then ready for him to be here, and that’s what your dream is explaining to you. You are ready.
When you dream of swimming fish does it mean your pregnant?
Q: I had a dream 2 nights ago – I was in a public bathroom and it flooded somehow and then a fish just swam by me. The fish looked like it was swimming on top of the water, instead of under it.
A: No, it would not necessarily mean you are pregnant – but it could reflect where your mind is with such a concern.Consider what a public bathroom, flooding there and such an event of that fish swimming by in such odd fashion could possibly mean to you. How do those things make you feel? Especially, how do they make you feel about the possibility of being pregnant, if that is on your mind? Therein is the likely key.Fishes swimming can easiliy denote a feeling of vitality or life. An observed fish in the manner you describe is peculiar – perhaps a bit out of place – but so could pregnancy be. It may at least be something different in your life – perhaps new to you. It is life – but different than that observed in the ordinary waking hours. It could be construed as an indicator of ‘life’ – the flitting by of the fish could approximate the first quickening kicks of an unborn child. It does not mean “it is so”, however. It could just as easily be a reflection of “what IF it were so” – consider those points.Perhaps some of these observations can help your understanding as you consider the dream in the context of your daily life.All the best to you.
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