Is it true that if you have a dream about somebody they went to sleep thinking about you

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No, it’s not true that if you dream of someone they went to sleep thinking about you, it is just an urban legend. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it true that if you have a dream about somebody they went to sleep thinking about you
Is It True That When You Dream Of Someone, They Went To Sleep Thi…?
that’s interesting that you may say this. one of my close friends told me this exact same story. sorry, but the answer is no. when you fall asleep and start dreaming, chances are you wont remember that dream unless it has some importance …
Is it true that when you dream of someone, that that person went …?
“Is it true that when you dream of someone, that that person went to sleep thinking of you?” I doubt it. But it is possible. Your second question: “is there any way to telepathicly communicate with someone over dreams?”…
Is it true when you dream about someone that were thinking bout y…?
It may be a psychological myth. You can dream someone even he/she didn’t think you before he/she sleep.

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A: may be
Help.I really bad for this precognitive dream,anxiety disorder.Does Precognitive dreams all gonna come true?
Q: First of all,i need to say these about me;i have anxiety disorder (for 2years) for people watch me like truman show,and everyboyd in my life is actor.And also,I go anxiety for some messages that i read.For e.g. somebody write in a forum as;truman show can be happen.So I’m gonna anxiety and try to talk with this people,and then they usually said me;i didn’t mean this;or i did jokeLets go to the topic now;In my dream,I see a childhood friend who i hadn’t any contact.I remember this part;My friend was talkin with somebody on facebook,i think private messages,and i can see that messages in my dream.Exactly,I havent see messages but i take my friend’s message as;my father isnt real one.And than i woke up,then go to sleep in 2 minutes,and my dream keep on. He said it again,after than i woke up again with anxiety,and go to sleep too and the dream continue too.But for this part;he wrote me,i make u a joke.(i cant remember this 3rd part of dream truly)Tomorrow,This old friend has sent me a friend request on facebook.So my dream’s part of came true,but i always think about the other part.Can this dream be only coincidence?I see my friend talkin each other on facebook,but i have friend add request tomorrow.So they aren’t exactly same,can we say this dream true one,other way;precognitive one?So here my question;(i ask question on the above too,but if you write 1 sentence answer for them,it’s fine by me;However,I wanna a long answer for this question) ;If I accept this dream as precognitive dream.; Is Whole Precognitive dream gonna be true?Or Sometimes,Part of dream came true but part of one isn’t gonna happen?There’re said that;They’re kind of dreams;precognitive one,x one,y one.But are they really have this border?In other way,in my dream’s first part of true,then second one “must” gonna true too?Or I notice old friend truly,but the other part is only my mind’s think or what?
A: There is no indication that dreams can predict the future
What to do about the ghost in my house?
Q: Okay people might not believe me but its true. I sleep with a fan blowing right on me and a couple of weeks ago it was turned around. Last night Im pretty sure i was dreaming this… I lifted the covers up and let go. The continued to stay in the air. I woke up completely and heard my fan move. I looked at it and it was moved towards the window. A minute later my ceiling fan string started going around in circles. I lay-ed there and then turned my lamp on. It stopped. I got up and got my dog. He jumped up in bed and i scratched his belly. Well he only rolls over on his back when somebody dose that. A few minutes later after I stopped he rolled over again. I toled my mom this morning and she said ” Sometimes when I get into bed something bumps the bed. I look around and the cats and dogs aren’t even there.” Well about 20 minutes ago something lifted my hair.Im sitting on my couch and it’s up against a wall. I went and put my clothes in the dryer came back and went to sit down but, before I did the Candle holder on the wall started rattling. There was only one other couple who lived here. The man died at the hospital and the women is still alive. My great aunt and one of my nephews died in 2 separate car wrecks. I have seen my nephew a couple of times in my bedroom doorway. But when i look for to long he disappears. I think it’s just my imagination on that though. Any ideas guys?
A: stop drinking before you go to bed!!
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