Is there a way to make yourself dream

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There are many techniques and methods that you can use for inducing lucid dreams, but there is an underlying process behind MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a way to make yourself dream
Is there a way to make yourself have dreams?
MILK. Lol, I drink a glass of milk before I go to bed, and since milk is a natural sedative, you’ll go into a deeper sleep and remember your dreams more. Milk also helps induce lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know you are…
Is there any way to make yourself dream specifically what you wan…?
Dreams are a subconscious reflection of the person that you have been ‘hiding’ during the day. In other words, dreams are a way for your mind to ‘let loose’ all the ideas and images and thoughts and memories and stuff that have been floatin…
Is there a way to make yourself dream at night?
The Importance Of Dreaming Do you dream in order to sleep or do you sleep in order to dream? Although that question remains debatable, researchers agree that there is a purpose and importance to dreaming. Research have showed that people w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a way to make yourself dream about something specific?
Q: Is there a way to make yourself dream about something specific, something you want to dream about?
A: yea its called daydreaming
Is there a easy way to make yourself lucid dream?
Q: Is there a easy way to make yourself lucid dream?Or dream about whatever you want?
A: No, there is not really any easy way to induce lucid dreams, in the sense that there is no foolproof techniques out there. Not even lucid dreaming masks, like the Novadreamer, are not guaranteed to give you lucid dreams. Some people just have lucid dreams easier than others. Also, different lucid dreaming techniques work for different people. You might have to spend some time finding one that works for you. How long it takes to start having lucid dreams is very individual. Some might have them the following night after hearing that it’s possible. Some might have to work harder for it, and won’t get results for some months. I’ve followed up a lot of aspiring lucid dreamers, and most of them got results within a few weeks.There are a few factors that can determine how long it takes. One is motivation, which I see as quite obvious. How much time and focus you spend also makes a difference. If you have a busy life, and your mind is mostly elsewhere except at bedtime, will sure make it harder. If you know anyone else who is interested in lucid dreaming, and you share the enthusiasm and progress with each other, then that will sure help. The same goes for being involved in online lucid dreaming forums and communities, where you can also get some more personal follow-ups and tips.
Is there any way you can make yourself dream before you go to bed?
Q: I really want a dream tonight that i will remember. Is there anyway to get myself a dream? Tips?
A: Everyone has dreams every night, they just don’t remember them. One of the best ways to remember your dreams is to start keeping a journal of all the dreams that you can remember. Once you start doing this you will most likely start remembering more and more dreams. There is really no way to immediately start remembering your dreams. But, one thing that helps is a technique called “dream incubation”. the purpose of dream incubation does not necessarily address dream recall, it helps with recall significantly.The purpose of it is really to get yourself to dream about the things that you want to dream about. And with practice, it works!
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