Is there anyone who has an IQ of 200

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Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210. Wowzer! Thanks for doing the ChaCha today! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there anyone who has an IQ of 200
Does anyone have IQ of 200?
There are a few records of IQs up to 200, but any figure over 145 is going to be extremely unreliable because there’s simply too small a sample for any reliable comparison. That said, a person’s IQ score can fluxuate with several variables,…
Is anyone else sad that we can’t gain IQ beyond 200 any more??,5-is-anyone-else-sad-that-we-can-t-gain-iq-beyond-200-any-more.htm
you can still get iq from all the games except for wordo and you can’t get it from the library any more. It’s possible to get higher iq than 200 and when they put the cap on I was at around 250. now look where I am

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is there anybody who has an IQ of 200?
Q: or what is the highest IQ level a person has got…dead or alive…im serious…for those who want to try an online IQ test…go to…i took the one there and got 120…
A: Marilyn Vos Savant is supposedly the highest ever at 228.
Who is the bodybuilder that has an IQ of 200 or more?
A: You have stumped me. My searches didn’t bring up any results. Dolph Lundgren is a surprisingly, and I mean surprisingly, smart individual. If you don’t know, he is the guy who played the Russian in Rocky 4. He has an IQ measured at 160. As a note, IQ and standard deviation from a mean have no limits. Meaning as X —> infinity, X approaches 0 on the curve, but never reaches it.
How does one go about raising their IQ? Is it possible? How did that one guy get an IQ of 200? That’s too hi! ?
Q: I want to be smart..
A: You can’t raise your IQ – it’s something you’re born with. You can raise your scores on fake internet tests by studying vocab and doing logic puzzles, but that just goes to show how inaccurate they are.
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