What about my dreams

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I looked at your text history, and there’s no mention of dreams. What dreams are you referring to? Did you want an interpretation? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-about-my-dreams ]
More Answers to “What about my dreams
What about my dreams? is there any meaning to this? ?
You think because you kill me, you got rid of me, your wrong, i am still here, so you am me can go to hellll. hahahhahaah your wrong hahhaa You think because you kill me, you got rid of me, your wrong, i am still here, so you am me can go t…
How To Interpret Dreams
Video : Dream interpretation is a huge subject which generates lots of debate. Many people use dream dictionaries which ascribe specific meanings to dream symbols, but some experts caution against this. In this film we take a look at what p…
What do dreams mean?
Dream is a word used to describe the subconcious experience of a sequence of images, sounds, ideas, emotions, or other sensations usually during sleep, especially REM (Rapid eye movement) sleep. Answer Dreams are communication from the so…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when you have dreams about a boy more than once in a different situation?
Q: I know him we always hang out with other friends and i always have dreams about him. Right now i have had 12 dreams that he has been in. I told him I have had dreams but I have not told him every dreams yet.
A: I think you like him and this is proved by the fact that you count how many times you have dreamed of him! Our dreams show two things: 1st things that happened or that we want to happen and 2nd our subconsciousness. Whichever of the two is happening to you, I think that you care for him a lot (or at least more than for the other guys that you hang out!). If you think you do like him, go and talk to him about your feelings. He may have understood something, because you told him about the dreams you had. Just follow your heart! 😉
What do dreams about altered staircases mean?
Q: I frequently (about every other month) have dreams about staircases that have been altered in some way. Like, you’re going up & then at some point there’s a big gap in the steps & you have to jump to make it, or you fall a long ways. Sometimes there are obstacles you have to jump on or swing across to get to the next steps. I’m usually with people in these dreams, & they have no problem making it to the next step, but I’m freaked out that I’ll fall.The other day, my brother told me he had a dream about a spiral staircase where the steps were lilypads, & it was hard to get from one to the other. He says that he dreams about weird staircases a lot, too.What do these dreams mean?
A: Steps can represent a pathway which is elevating you in life or downward depending on which way you are going. When steps are missing in a stair case it means there is bit of knowlegde or wisdom or instruction missing which would allow you to place your foot firmly. Having a to jump an obstacle or swing means you have to to things the hard way or an alternate way which is not easy
How come I have so many dreams about tornadoes?
Q: I have a dream about tornadoes at least once a week for quite a while. I live in michigan (not kansas), never seen a tornado. Sometimes my dreams are scary cause Im running for my life but other times im far away from the tornado. Is this common, or is it common to have recurring dreams about dramatic events like this?
A: If you have reoccurring tornado dreams consider the emotional changes in your life and also the amount of anger and rage that you may be currently experiencing. Tornadoes could also represent disruptions and upsets in you immediate environment and specific or current issues that may be overwhelming.
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