What are the best ways to tell if someone is lying

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the best ways to tell if someone is lying”,you can compare them.

If someone touches their face a lot, doesn’t make eye contact, or fidgets when they talk, they might be lying to you. ChaCha again [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-best-ways-to-tell-if-someone-is-lying ]
More Answers to “What are the best ways to tell if someone is lying
What is the best way to tell if someone is lying?
・ 1. Body language. Most honest people form relaxed body positions as they speak. Their arms are held naturally … ・ 2. Eye contact. Honest people have few problems maintaining eye contact with their audience. Some practiced … ・ 3. Lapse…
What’s a good way to tell when someone is lying?
watch their body language. if they are those kind of people who use their hands a lot, watch their hands. people who are lying tend to stop using their hands so much because they are afraid it will give them away. dont rely on eye contact t…
How can you tell if someone is lying the best way to tell?
They don’t look you in the eye, They might cover their mouth, They might tak faster than normal, They might be inconsistant with facts, Or try and change the subject, Or be vague on details, Or fidget constantly, Or seem to get distracted.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the easiet ways to tell someone is lying?
Q: body language such as….? Any tips? i am trying to see if a girl is lying to me
A: loss of eye-contact, fidgeting, not giving specific details, asking if questions can be repeated This website helps a lot!http://www.forbes.com/2008/04/02/reid-technique-lying-ent-manage-cx_ml_0402catchaliar_slide_13.html?thisSpeed=30000http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/13/lie-detector-madoff-entrepreneurs-sales-marketing-liar.html
Are there ways to tell if someone’s lying in a text message or on the phone, like you can face to face?
Q: I’ve see books and articles on how to read people’s body language, to tell what they’re probably thinking or feeling, or to tell if they’re lying. Has anybody seen research on deciphering such things over the phone or from the content of a text message? Or does anyone get some sense about it from personal experiences?
A: Texting you really cant tell but when talking on the phone i think you can tell. If there voice starts to shake or there tone changes that is when i can tell someone is lying to me through the phone.
What are some ways to tell if someone is lying?
Q: The way they act and what not. Im just curious. Because i think my friend is lying to me about liking my older brother.
A: they don’t look you in the eyes. They act different then they ussually do. They try to change the topic. They look nervous
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