What do dreams about food usually mean

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Dreaming of food is usually symbolic of something you are currently experiencing or hope to experience in life. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-dreams-about-food-usually-mean ]
More Answers to “What do dreams about food usually mean
How to Interpret the Meaning of Food in Dreams?
・ 1 In general, dreaming about food is a good sign. It can mean wealth, comfort and security. However,… ・ 2 If you see yourself dieting in the dream, it’s a sign that business will thrive. If you are on a vegetarian… ・ 3 Fruit is a good…
What could my dream mean? Its about me giving food to someone lol…?
the first dream: you may come into contact with someone who doesn’t view life the same way you do,and by talking and sharing your views(the cookie)you may shed light that can impact their whole family.dream 2 :looking at life in a different…

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A: To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news. I understand where you know that it is you getting your hair striaghtned, but it doesnt look like you. It simply means that you are someone else, you might be wishing you were someone else. When people talk about other people behind thier backs, means you feel insuurcue about something. To dream of a kiss, denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment.Hope that helped
I had an awkward dreams do they mean anything?
Q: Well it happened about 2 months ago, but i got dreams about him kind of… Me and my friends went to this food court, but then I saw my youth group there. The guy I like wasn’t with the group and he usually is with the youth group. So then a few days later I had a dream that I was playing the piano and he was next to me, smiling. And before that “scene” happened we made eye contact and we looked away. Do these dreams mean anything? we don’t talk or anything…I thought he liked me, but I’m completely lost now…
A: I think you want him to really notice you
What does talking with your mouth full mean?
Q: I had a dream last night, and I was talking to people with my mouth full, and I knew my mouth was full but I continued to talk. I remember trying to keep the food from falling out of my mouth too, like it was falling out, and I’d catch it and put it back in my mouth. (Gross I know)And after that I was brushing my teeth…And then I woke up.I usually can figure out what my dreams mean, but this one I don’t understand at all.Thanks for the help. :)-Sarah
A: You may be feeling you’re letting yourself be a little too free and open with others. Maybe you recently acted where your manners were not as impeccable as usual or you became a little too relaxed around others.Also it could be that as you talk you let your own nourishment go by the wayside, that you’re concerned with others and socializing or talking about them to the extent that you’re not getting fed, your own problems are being neglected.Also it could be that you’re feeling you’re not being understood, that you keep talking though you’re not making sense or being clear, maybe you were recently sort of embarrassed. Maybe you’ve got so much to say that it all tumbles out and doesn’t get your point across.It’s like filling your own needs is interfering with communication. Brushing your teeth would probably be you trying to solve the problem.
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