What does a dream that you took a pregnancy test and it was positive mean

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Your dream usually represents a new beginning or a new creation in your life. Or, you are thinking about babies. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-dream-that-you-took-a-pregnancy-test-and-it-was-positive-mean ]
More Answers to “What does a dream that you took a pregnancy test and it was positive mean
What does a dream about a positive pregnancy test mean??
honestly your symptoms sound like early pregnancy ones to me but without a test you don’t know for sure and they could also be down to pmt or something else. I have heard of pregnancy dreams before (actually I had one myself this time aroun…
What dose it mean to dream with a positive pregnancy test??
there are so many possible answers for this question. some people believe that dreaming of a positive pregnancy tests means pregnancy is on the way some people believe that dreaming of a positive test or of a pregnancy it means someone in…
Does anyone know what this dream could mean. dreaming of a positi…?
Hi, If one dreamt his /her abdomen was big like a pregnancy , means he/she will receive some money as much as the stomach was big. If an immature child dreamt was pregnant , if he was a boy means his father will receive some money If was a …

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dream of positive pregnancy test. what does it mean?
Q: friday night i had a dream i had taken a pregnancy test and it was positive. the father of the baby started crying but would not tell me why he was crying. i got mad at him. and then i woke up. i went to my parents house on sunday and my mom told me she had a dream i took a test and it was positive. as we were discussing it, we figured out that we had had the exact same dream on the same night. what does it mean? i don’t think i’m pregnant. and neither of us have dreamed the same dream on the same night.i don’t think i’m pregnant. and neither of us have dreamed the same dream
A: Coincidence
Had a dream about a me taking a pregnancy test that was positive… what does that mean?
Q: It was soo weird. Last night i couldnt fall asleep. Felt sick the entire night. Felt like throwing up and finally fell asleep around 3am.. Then i had a dream that my old middle school teacher told me to take a pregnancy test and it came out positive… In the dream i was extremely happy because i was told i couldnt have kids b4. what does this mean?
A: Sometimes, your dreams tell you what you want to hear or what you are most afraid of. I wouldn’t put much hope in being pregnant, you might just be mentally responding to a mixture of wanting to have a baby and feeling ill. People say that your dreams can tell you what’s going on with your body but I think that’s an old wives tale. Chances are it’s a mental desire that your dreams are acting upon. I have baby dreams all the time; whether it be being pregnant, delivery, or raising. But, I have never actually been pregnant. Don’t let yourself get excited. Dreams are, most of the time, just dreams.
♥♥♥in my dream i take a pregnancy test, its positive what does it mean?♥♥♥?
Q: In my dream i take a pregnancy test, what does it mean?i have had a dream that my husband hands me a pregnancy test. then i look and its positive. and then skips to me looking down and seeing me and my husband actually holding a baby in the hospital. then its in my arms.my husband is sat on my left we are happy. i haven’t had a dream about being pregnant since i was with my last child in 1998. its so weird. in my dream i feel content and happy. what can this mean? any ideas and sensible answers please. this is important to me thanks.
A: tick tock tick tock, it’s obvious isnt it.
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