What does it mean when a person has anxiety

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when a person has anxiety”,you can compare them.

When anxiety is constant or overwhelming, it becomes a disorder. It can happen from a large amount of stress. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-a-person-has-anxiety ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when a person has anxiety
Can Confronting A Mean-Spirited Person Reduce Your Anxiety??
One of the major points I make in an “anxiety self-help” ebook I just released is that if you are nice to others, it will come back to you in incredibly positive ways! And conversely, if you are mean ..
What does this mean for the person with anxiety, depression or ot…?
You can go to your doctor and ask to have your IL-2 levels checked. If you have depression, have your physician also check the level of IL-6. If they are too high the doctor can treat it one way and if too low it can be treated another way….

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A: I have no idea, I’ve had a lot of treatment for depression, anxiety and panic attacks and I can honestly say I have never heard of this term. I would guess it is someone you fell safe to confide in who has a removed perspective on the issue, but that is just a guess.
What does it mean to feel anxiety to see a person???
Q: well…..there is a guy who always stares at me and give me this looks that drive me crazy in a good way and doesn’t bother me when he stares at me and also sometimes i feel anxiety to see him………WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO FEEL ANXIETY TO SEE A PERSON??? ……….we have never talked to each other……..
A: Because you can’t wait to see this person.And also when you feel that feeling when your with him is becuase You’re happy to with this person!!!!…………….
whay does it mean if a person is psychotic?
Q: I have been diagnoised with post tramatic stress disorder with anxiety and depression. I asked my internist doc to get a referal to a phychiatrist and he told me that becuase I have low income insurance they wont take me cause Im not psychotic. What does he mean?
A: Psychotic people usually experience hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.Not all psychotic people hurt others. Some become withdrawl into their own world, some don’t come out of their homes.Psychotic behavior can happen in schizophrenia and related disorders, Bipolar, and depression.
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