What does it mean when you dream about earthquakes

Health related question in topics Psychology Mythology Folklore .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when you dream about earthquakes”,you can compare them.

Something is upsetting you that has destroyed your feeling of security. You may feel that your whole world is falling apart. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-earthquakes ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you dream about earthquakes
What does it mean when you dream about earthquakes
Something is upsetting you that has destroyed your feeling of security. You may feel that your whole world is falling apart.
What does it mean If i dream about Earthquakes?
It happened and then you had a dream about it? It means nothing, really. Your mind was still digesting what had happened because you were shocked by it. Not a big deal.
When you have a dream about earthquake means?
ur mind is afraid of having one.u are afraid of earthquakes ,what problems it will cause for you.even if u do n’t ur mind does.dreams are usually a vidoe that expresses ur minds fears ,likes ur attitude towards something or about something …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean If i dream about Earthquakes??
Q: See last night it was raining and thundering and lightning I was lying down and watching tv.All of a sudden i kind of felt a shake.So i went to bed after the movie was done.I had a dream about having an Earthquake.What is that supposed to mean.?
A: It happened and then you had a dream about it? It means nothing, really. Your mind was still digesting what had happened because you were shocked by it.Not a big deal.
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Q: i dreamt that i was with my family and a major earthquake shook and destroyed major part of the city including my house it took part in the afternoon. and all day long ive been thinking of the dream?
A: I would prepare for an emergency.lol. Get the hell out and dodge.
i dreamed about an earthquake for my previous dream, what does it mean?
Q: well, i live in california, and we’re prone to earthquakes. the last time i had a dream about an earthquake in southern california, it happened a couple days later the one in july 2008(hopefully it’s a coincidence) well, my mom told me her co-worker also had a dream of an earthquake…so hopefully it won’t occur.oh yeah..no one got hurt in the dream.
A: It probably means that you’re worried about something, well, earth-shattering happening in your life soon.Do you have any upcoming big decisions? Major changes?Are you simply afraid of earthquakes?Think about this and then apply it to your dream, but remember that dream interpretation is very specific, and depends on what these things symbolize to you.
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