What is a Neuropsychologist

Health related question in topics Psychology Careers Employment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a Neuropsychologist”,you can compare them.

A neuropsychologist specializes in studying brain behavior relationships and has training in the physiology of the nervous system. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-neuropsychologist ]
More Answers to “What is a Neuropsychologist
A neuropsychologist is a licensed psychologist specializing in the area of brain-behavior relationships.
A neuropsychologist is a doctoral level psychologist who has received specialty training in evaluating and treating patients with various neurologic and psychiatric conditions. Neuropsychologists at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center have pa…
A scientist concerned with the integration of psychological observations on behavior and the mind with neurological observations on the brain and nervous system.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the education requirement difference between a neuropsychologist and psychologist?
Q: I was wondering, what is the difference between the education needed to become a neuropsychologist vs. a psychologist? I know there is obviously a difference, and I’d lie to know how much more education one needs to be a neuropsychologist. Are there more science-based classes that need to be taken? I want to be a neuropsychologist, but I don’t know how much more I would have to do in school. If it’s as much as a doctor, then I definately won’t. Thanks so much.
A: The training is different. You want to find a school that has a neuropsychology specialization and ensure that you take classes on physiological psychology, neuroanatomy, neuropsychological testing, and psychopharmacology.. You should also obtain a predoctoral internship in neuropsychology that is APA or CPA accredited. After you graduate, you will need a postdoctoral neuropsychology residency or fellowship. For all the educational requirements and skills needed, go to this website:http://www.div40.org/pub/Houston_conference.pdf
What education do you need to become a neuropsychologist?
Q: I don’t know if there is a difference in education between a psychologist and a neuropsychologist, but i would just like a simple quick list of what education is required to become a neuropsychologist, only. thank you!
A: what about additional 12 years after high school
What type of graduate program should I attend if I want to become a clinical neuropsychologist?
Q: I am an undergraduate student applying for graduate school soon. To get set up to become a clinical neuropsychologist after my doctorate, what type (model of program) should I apply to?For clarification, I plan to get a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and then work on the postdoctorate fellowship in Clinical Neuropsych thereafter.
A: I would look at the following for grad. degrees in Neuropsychology:Carlos Albizu University – Miami (PhD)Queens College, CUNY (PhD)University of Texas – Tyler campus (Master’s)University of Cincinnati (PhD)Georgia State University (PhD)After you get your PhD, you can go for certification by either ABCN or AACN. Neither are required by law at this time but it would give you an edge over someone that didn’t have the certification.
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