What is it called when you can move things with your mind

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Telekinesis or Psychokinesis is about the movement objects through mental power. ChaCha out! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-you-can-move-things-with-your-mind ]
More Answers to “What is it called when you can move things with your mind
What is it called when you can move things with you’re mind??

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is it called when you can move things with you’re mind?
Q: I know it’s Telekinesis when you move with your mind but I’m confused about one thing.The main character in the recent movie Push… whatever his name was ha ha. What is his super powers called? Is it just telekinesis? Because he could do other things then just move things with his mind. I don’t want what they called it in the movie. Like what we kind of people would call it.Dunno if this makes any sense, ha ha.Dunno if it’s in the right category! Sorry.
A: Telekinesis
Whats it called when people can move things with their minds?
Q: I really can’t remeber- trying to write a fanfic… :]
A: Telekinesis.Tele-: Distant-Kinesis: Movement/Moving.
What is it called when your mind is awake and your body is sleep?
Q: Body Sleep, and your mind is awake, but your body won’t move know matter how much you try (move a little if you try hard). This is really scary when it happens to me. What is this called, if its called any thing?
A: i have seen this on T.V. it is called sleep paralysis. everyone has it at least once in there life but some people have it worse than others.
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