What is psychological noise

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Psychological noise is what occurs when the communicators are emotionally upset. Example: when a person is angry, depressed, etc. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-psychological-noise ]
More Answers to “What is psychological noise
What is psychological noise?
How can psychological noise be minimized?
Very interesting question! I would have to say the noise could be minimized primarily through interpersonal experiences, education, self-realization (Jnana), and by thinking before speaking. I learned a lot about interacting with people aft…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can psychological noise be minimized?
Q: Moving the “noise” discussion in a different direction, misunderstanding can occur due to language barriers, lack of knowledge, personal bias or prejudice and other psychological issues. How can psychological noise be minimized?
A: Very interesting question!I would have to say the noise could be minimized primarily through interpersonal experiences, education, self-realization (Jnana), and by thinking before speaking.I learned a lot about interacting with people after reading “Language In Thought and Action” by the late S.I. Hayakawa. That book, more than anything, taught me how to best communicate with individuals from any background.
What is that psychological test thing where someone hears a certain noise and..?
Q: they are given something like gum everytime the noise is heard. I saw it in an episode of The Office.
A: It’s Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning. Here’s another great example:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo7jcI8fAuI
I have a low tolerance for Noise. eg neighbors music, loud A/C, etc. Is this a psychological issue?
Q: I cannot handle certain noises. This often depresses me and I try to avoid the noise at all costs. The noises do not bother others as much as they impact me.
A: Sounds psychological to me…. Have your house sound proofed or take meds.
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