What is the best way to stop biting your nails

Health related question in topics Relationships Dating Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to stop biting your nails”,you can compare them.

Find a habit to take the place of nail biting. Whenever you have the urge to bite, do that instead! Try maybe chewing gum! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-stop-biting-your-nails ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to stop biting your nails
What is the best way to stop biting your nails?
I put nail polish on them becauuse then 1) It looks bad and chips when you bite them and 2) There is bad chemicals that your not supposed to ingest in nail polish. Also you can get this Betty Hansen stuff at your local drug store that you p…
Is there a good way to stop biting your nails? I have tried every…?
I have been biting my nails since I was 3 and I am 35 now. Can’t afford therapy or anything like that, but was hoping there might be a new spray or old fashioned remedy that might work.
What is the best way to stop biting my nails?
im a beauty therpaist and tell many people the best way is to have false nails. as your nails are already weak and brittle from bting them and the skin around the nail is sore, having false nails doen proferssional will last 3 weeks and all…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to stop biting your nails?
Q: I am 33 years old and just need to stop biting my nails. They look bad and unprofessional. Any ideas?
A: get acrylics. that’s what i did. they are like impossible to bite. you can even sit there and practically gnaw on your thumbnail and it still looks good. it adds major strength to the nail. also, they look awesome when you have them.
Best way to stop biting your nails?
Q: I want to stop biting my nails SO bad! Does anyone have any good ideas on how I can stop? Thanks 😀
A: I know this sounds kind harsh, but put a rubber band around your wrist any anytime you catch yourself biting your nails pop yourself with the rubber band. Your brain will subconsciously relate biting your nails to pain. so unless you like pain this should work.
What’s the best way to try and stop biting your nails?
Q: I’ve been biting my nails since I was a kid. Not sure if it’s habit or nervousness. I can’t seem to not do it. Any suggestions on how to break the habit.?
A: I’m in my 40’s and have been biting my nails since I was a young child. I recently stopped and the only way I was able to do it was with a bandaid! I would put a water-proof bandaid on one or two fingers until the nail grew long enough that I could cut it. Once I got it that long, I removed the bandaid and kept telling myself to not bite the long nails…I did this one finger at a time until I am not biting any.
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