What is the hardest thing to do ever

Health related question in topics Psychology Puzzles .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the hardest thing to do ever”,you can compare them.

For the hardest thing to do try rotating your right foot clockwise while rotating your right hand counter clockwise. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-hardest-thing-to-do-ever ]
More Answers to “What is the hardest thing to do ever
What’s the hardest thing you ever did?
tell the doctor to stop preforming CPR on my son and let him go.
What are the lyrics to ‘the hardest thing’ by 98 degrees
Hardest Thing by 98 Degrees: yeah ooh We both know that I shouldn’t be here This is wrong And, baby, it’s killing me, it’s killing you Both of us tryin’ to be strong I’ve got somewhere else to be Promises to keep And someone else who loves …
That seems to be the hardest thing. How does one do that??
Hi Patricia, Thanks for considering me and apologies for not responding on time. What is Meditation? It is a technique to reach a stage when there is no mind (no thoughts) to be precise the conscious mind, the mind which keeps thinking. …

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Q: Right now, i am going through a hard time in my life alot of bad stuff is happening an di just cant controll my tears…i just wanted to feel better and see what other people could be going through right now….so what is the hardest thing you ever gone through in your life?
A: I don’t think I can say a specific event.More a build up of events…feeling unloved and a failure… and then everything I did just seemed awful, and I felt I was good at nothing. I felt compared to my elder sister, and that I couldn’t ever be as nice/attractive/intelligent as her.My parents hated each other, my auntie and uncle divorced….I was anorexic. It was a hard time. I guess ‘hard times’ are only hard, in comparison to other good times in your life. Its all relative really.So its difficult to compare things like that.I hope whatever you’re going through gets better soon.I’m sure it will.Keep faith xxxxxxxxx
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Q: Anyone else had an experience like this?I split up with my ex nearly 5 months ago and finding it really hard still being friends with him. Do u think its best just to loose all contact all together?
A: Yup. I think its good to be civil and see them occasionally, just as a reminder that they’re not as great as you think they are, if you never see them you build up an unrealistically good memory of them, but i dont think its good to be friends, otherwise you’ll always be looking for signs that they want to be more than friend. Keep busy, and the feelings go eventually
Why is letting go the hardest thing ever?
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A: Because of many reasons each personal to the individual, but all in all it’s because we are all afraid of being alone of having that emptiness revisit us. There is some insecurity one feels when we are in this predicament, some feel more insecure than other but it’s there nonetheless. We also tend to look inside of us and wonder if there was something that we did wrong, and that perhaps there is something wrong with us.
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