What is the iq of an average person

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The average IQ is by definition 100; scores above 100 indicate a higher than average IQ and scores below 100 indicate a MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-iq-of-an-average-person ]
More Answers to “What is the iq of an average person
What is the average person’s IQ?
i guess it is a pretty good score,it is more than a average person as according to my view a average person can have a iq of 90-100 so ur intelegence is far above them.u can test ur iq again with a tickle test on iq that is available on the…
How much does an average person increase DX & IQ – Steve Jack…?
My “rule of thumb” for quick generic NPCs is “All stats at 10, except one that seems related to what this NPC does in life – this stat at 11. Job related skills at 12.” If I can’t decide which attribute to pick, I look a…
Does a high IQ indicates that one is more intelligent than the av…?
Yes and no. A high IQ is only an indicator that the mental abilities of a person are more developed than the average person. It does indicate roughly if a person has more mental developed abilities like abstract reasoning and pattern recogn…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the average IQ of an adult person?
Q: What is the average IQ? I also wanted to know what is the highest IQ a human being has ever scored?
A: Average is 100 Highest I’ve heard of is 200Newton had 180Einestein had 160
How do people increase their IQ? What is the IQ of an average person?
Q: Just curious.
A: According to the Wikipedia, The average IQ score is 100 by definition. In terms of improving the IQ, a large amount of one’s IQ is predetermined by genetic factors with the environment playing a role as well. The article says IQ can be improved by reading regularly and using the mind (problem solving, critical thinking, etc.).
How long does it take for an adult person of average iq to learn to read?
A: It depends upon why the adult has not previously learned to read, the first language of the individual, the motivation to learn, and the skills and knowledge of the teacher. If the adult does not have a learning disability and is very motivated, it won’t take long. I taught an adult non-reader enough to be comfortable traveling alone in about six weeks. He was able to understand the gist of newspaper articles, read road maps, road signs, menus, etc. after that much time. We concentrated on the kinds of things he would need to know for his trip. He was very motivated to learn to read, was about 22 years old, and had not ever learned to read in school. However, he had attended school, so no doubt some of what he was exposed to when he was in school helped him in finally learning to read.
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