What is the phobia or riding buses

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Hodophobia is the fear of travel. This covers traveling in cars and riding on buses. Thanks for texting! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-phobia-or-riding-buses ]
More Answers to “What is the phobia or riding buses
Is there a name for the phobia of riding the bus??
Amaxophobia is the fear of riding in a car. Hodophobia is the fear of road travel. Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is there a name for the phobia of riding the bus?
A: Amaxophobia is the fear of riding in a car.Hodophobia is the fear of road travel.Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles.
How can I get my mom to not make me ride the bus?help asap please!?
Q: now I’ll have you know that the bus is a privelage for some kids who dont have a choice, but my bus is over crowded and our teacher will dismiss us only when everyone else is out of the hallway and that means im last on the bus.The bus smells bad and I am the only white kid which means i am bullied a lot and things like that.i know i need to be appreciative and everything but i am and i thank my mom for hardly ever picking me up and i have even offered her that i would pay for gas so she could pick me up.i think i seriously have a phobia of riding the bus because before we are dismissed, i start to hyperventolate and breathe unevenly.i dont think my mom gets it though its harder for me on the bus today than it was then for her.thanks guys :/
A: You should be able to talk to your school counsellor. They are supposed to be trained to not make your situation worse by singling you out for any reason. They should know of ways to discretely resolve your problem.Try to stay positive. Think about your future. I think its awful that the person you are growing into during your stay in school is the person you will become for the rest of your life, since schools can be so cruel… but think about this. Your trials now, will make your experiences in the future much easier.Oh, and with respect to your mom… I think she’s cruel. If this is really an issue for you, she should be willing to drive you every day. Its just what moms do. She’s being a b*****. But don’t tell her that! And don’t tell her I said that either… will probably get you into trouble…
Could i have a crowd phobia or be claustrophobic?
Q: I never thought i was, i just thought i hated crowds with a passion, but one day at this concert, it turned out that it was a dance floor concert not seats like i am use to, and i felt so trapped in the crowd i wanted to cry, i got really sweaty, felt like i couldn’t breath felt like i pass out, i didn’t enjoy the concert one bite, i just stared at the exit. Now i always hated crowds, like i hate going to events where there r large crowds, but i usually move away from the crowd as soon as possible. I hate riding crowded bus, but i deal, i feel really trapped on elevators with a lot of people. And when i have to sit really close to people on floors, i feel so trapped and feel a need to get up and move away from them. Also i hate when i sit in a seat and i am trapped in between two people, i get really uncomfortable and can’t focus. Now i don’t know if its a phobia or just me being a crowd hater, but could it be a phobia? And if so is it fear of crowds or some form of claustrophobia?
A: Sounds like you may have agoraphobia…fear of crowded public places. If it helps, a lot of people suffer from this. It’s one of the more common phobias
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