What is the purpose of counseling

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the purpose of counseling”,you can compare them.

Counseling is available to guide individuals who are in need of some sort of help. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-purpose-of-counseling ]
More Answers to “What is the purpose of counseling
In my opinion, counseling’s main purpose is to help the counselee find release from his or her problem and to achieve a sense of peace for the counselee. In counseling, the counselor helps his patient to find peace; a satisfaction of one’s …
Counselling is useful when you feel stuck with a particular situation in your life. It could be about a relationship conflict, a decision you have to make or even if you are unclear about your choices. Too often, people seek counselling whe…
NCS Counseling Services provides more than just a place to vent thoughts or feelings. The goal is not solely to hear a professional share advice. By meeting with a counseling professional, you may benefit from sharing inner struggles, to ga…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What to you believe to be the primary purpose of counseling?
Q: teen pregancies, drug addits, bad credit e.tc.
A: The primary purpose of counselling is to recognise the issues and problems, and preferably the roots of them; but not necessarily to solve them.The main purpose is to rationalise about the issues, while trying best to adapt well to daily living and not be impaired and troubled by these issues.
What is the purpose of genetic counseling after a child is born and known to have a genetic disorder?
Q: To determine if they are carriers or if their children might get the disorder?
A: Right as Terri S. said: to help provide parents with information about what could come up in the future.Also, many genetic counselors work with patients to help alleviate the symptions their disease. They might also help figure out special diets that are needed (such as with PKU syndrome), what kind of exercise and/or physical may be needed, how to prevent the disease from becoming worse, etc. They can also provide the counseling needed to a family who has someone suffering from a genetic disorder. It can be hard and stressful having a child with special needs (but also very rewarding), and a genetic counselor can help in that regard.
what is the purpose of counseling someone be work or whatever?
A: In regards to work, you generally counsel an employee for one of two reasons:1. To let them know what they are doing wrong so they can improve their performance. 2. To praise them for what they are doing right so they will continue to do so. FYI… if you are continuously counseled for what you are doing wrong (and you don’ t improve) the counselings will be used as justification for your termination.
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