What is the quickest most painless way to die

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the quickest most painless way to die”,you can compare them.

Many support Terri Schiavo’s threatened dehydration state removing a feeding tube from a cognitively disabled person is painless. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-quickest-most-painless-way-to-die ]
More Answers to “What is the quickest most painless way to die
What is the quickest and most painless way to die?
decaptiation. you live for like 10 seconds after your head gets chopped up but you dont feel anything because your nerves are all cut in half.
Is a hundgun a sure way to a quick and painless death??
I’ve had suicidal feelings most of my life and I’ll be 50 in July. It is for that very reason i own no hand guns or firearms. But, I do know several people who attempted suicide with guns and not all succeeded. I know at least three people …
What the quickest and Painless way to die?
Razors pain you Rivers are damp Acids stain you And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren’t lawful Nooses give Gas smells awful You might as well live. The quickest and least painful is to take prescription sleeping pills and fall asleep…. just as…

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The most painless and quickest was way to die?
Q: I am doing a class project on the most painless and quickest way for someone to kill themselves.I thought a bout bleach, jumping…. What would happen if you walk in front of a car?
A: cant imagine bleach being painless or quickif you jump off a building you could end up alive but paralysedif you walk in front of a car your injuries are not necessarily going to be fatal and they certainly wont be painless!sounds a rather un pc class project to meif I was your mum I would be ringing the school to complain
What is the quickest and most painless way to die?
Q: No I am not suicidal, but I was having a conversation with friends where we were discussing this and I just wondered what others thought. I know it is sort of morbid, but each to there own!I just wanted to reiterate that i am in no way suicidal myself or promoting suicide, I just think its an interesting question
A: Quietly and peacefully in your sleep, just like my grandfather.Not screaming and shouting like the passengers on the bus he was driving.
What is the most quickest and most painless way to die?
A: Please contact Lifeline for some counselling.
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