What makes everyone happy

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Jesus. Jesus makes everyone happy once they accept Him into their life. Thanks for using ChaCha! Any other questions? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-everyone-happy ]
More Answers to “What makes everyone happy
How To Make Everyone Happy.
You collect the most extensive set of mp3s in your inbox, and then unleash them all at once. It’s like a crapshoot. I’ll do you a favor and just put up anything that seems even a little bit decent, mkay? Wouldn’t want anyone else but mys…
Is the goal of a negotiation to get what you want or to make ever…?
One of the most common myths about negotiation is the assumption that getting what you want always comes at the expense of others’ happiness or vice versa. There are tools and skills that increase your chances of fulfilling your interests a…
Is there a possible way the Taker/Punk feud can make everyone hap…?
And thats why Vince can’t create young stars. Because fans have this imaginary idea that new main event guys can’t be dominant against guys like the Undertaker. Punk is better than Kane, Big Show is a joke, and Triple H doesn’t job to anyon…

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What is the cheat is Sims where it makes everyone happy?
Q: I am playing on the Sims 2 Open for Business.I remember, not sure if it was on Open for Business, but there was this one cheat where when you opened the cheat box, you clicked on the mailbox, and then it got everyone in your family happy…Anybody know what I’m talking about?Thanks!Even if you know how, and you don’t have it on Open for Business, please tell me, I’m desperate.I normally don’t enjoy cheating, but my wife is seriously about to die.
A: (CTRL + SHIFT + C)boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true ^^case and space sensitiveHold down SHIFT and click on the mailbox–>Make House Happy
Is this a Possible Solution to the war in Iraq that makes Everyone Happy?
Q: All this talk going on has gotten me thinking. What if, instead, the US contact al Qaida, propose that we move the war from Iraq to Illinois. We make Dick Durbin’s home the new epic-center. The US will finance the whole move for both sides. Then, instead of sending our sons and daughters into the battle field, we recruit from the 12 million illegal aliens in our country to do the fighting. The benefits of this is we won’t have to complain about the war in Iraq anymore, no more loss of American sons and daughters, and for the illegal aliens, they get good food, good pay, they learn a skill so they can go back home after their tour of duty and lead the revolt against the corrupt and opppressive leaders in Mexico so that the Mexican people can live a life of liberty and freedom and won’t need to come here. What do you think? Is it a plan?
A: shsssssssssssh Bush’s spies may report this to him and he’d go for it
What if it were possible to wave a magic wand and make everyone happy?
Q: For example, if someone believed that they were unhappy because they are unattractive, poof, the wand makes them beautiful. If someone believed they were unhappy because the world is filled with sinners, poof, we all become saints. Do you think people would be grateful or angry? I see two problems: First, it would be an extreme challenge to define what happiness is for everyone. Second, even if you could come up with a universal definition for bliss there would still be some people who couldn’t accept it. Some people are only happy when they are miserable or making others miserable. Collective reality exists at the expense of an unsustainable moral cost structure and that is why it will eventually collapse. In the words of the immortal Captain James T. Kirk, “I need my pain.”So, is it possible to make everyone happy without breaking up our collective reality? Put on your amour, mount your steed, and let the intellectual jousting begin!Autumn Storm – I agree.Swampman – so true!Kaffo – The yin/yang perspective is very insightful! I hadn’t considered that. Does one person’s happiness always have to be at the expense of someone else’s? Shoot me an email if you’d like to elaborate – – I’d love to hear more.Ablex – I wouldn’t want to share my husband, so I get what you mean, LOL!Val and Megan – good point! Topaz – too funny! Humorous but very practical! LOL! Wesley and Dave – Interesting.Passerby – This is deep! You seem to have a profound understanding of the self. I love your reference to our “authentic essence.” Spirit Dancer – In the core of my being I believe that experiencing real joy is the reason we exist. Anything or anyone that takes from that joy erodes our Spirit piece by piece.
A: About your first question. If there was a magic wand to make everyone happy, it would need to be a objective one, that would bring them all to the state. It would be a lobotomy wand, that you wave over people and make them all the same. A person happiness is determined by their “make” how they are formed and constituted in their inner divisions of body, Mind, and their emotional state. No one person is the same, for this to be possible, they would all have to be made clean and this would negate their individuality. And yet it is this individuality which is vital to their growth. “I need my pain” — many people would say o that’s ego. But without suffering, there is growth. It is the struggling to overcome ones self, that is that self which has taken place of ones real essence, to have a self. People are different for this reason; life is like a schoolhouse — the differences reference a certain type of development, and certain course taken. To wave a wand and make everyone happy, would defeat the significance of the experience, which is necessary for their progress, in Mind and Being. People do need their suffering, they can transform it, through struggle and come to real happiness, to real life. No it is not possible. Because as you said, happiness, on this level of being is subjective and quote relative to the happenings that are occurring to you. Peoples happiness, which you could coin, “Organic Happiness” depends solely on your identification. People are happy with their projections of life and people, if things exist within this projection, they are happy, if things go a certain way for them, in keeping with this projection (delusion) they have about themselves and others, they are well, as far as their experience goes. I am happy when such-and-such always greets me a certain way, when such-and-such doesn’t, I speculate, I internally consider, I dislike this person, I return to them what I have projected in delusion that they are doing to me — never do I try to see them without the coloring of my own perspective, never do I try to see as things are, only as I make them be. But this is not Genuine Happiness, which is a sort of freedom from identification, “the freedom TO BE FREE to be you” not what you think you are, but your Authentic essence. The great majority of what people think they are is counterfeit/artificial, dictated by the world, they have parted from their authentic essence a long time ago. You can say that organic “happiness” is divided, sometimes I like, sometimes I don’t — sometimes I smile and depending on what is “happening” sometimes I don’t — stuck between yes and no, positive and negative, affirming and denying, between the various polarities that form the intricate system of ones mental faculties. Real happiness is a wholeness, it is the GOOD of the Sun, it is when one has taken all that is them and unified it into a whole, where everything is seen exactly how it is, SO COMPASSION reigns, empathy reigns, and they know true Love, the real kind, not the fragmentary affection based on association or ones identification/attachment. This happINESS is a HARMONIOUS STATE. “[…] and when he has bound together the three principles within him, which may be compared to the higher, lower, and middle notes of the scale, and the intermediate intervals—when he has bound all these together, and is no longer many, but has become one entirely temperate and perfectly adjusted nature, then he proceeds to act […]; always thinking and calling that which preserves and cooperates with the harmonious condition, just and good action, and the knowledge that presides over it, wisdom […]. Plato, The Republic, Book IV
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