What should I do if I feel really sad

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Through all the pain, grief & confusion, carry the knowledge that if you can survive this, you can survive anything. Stay strong. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-i-feel-really-sad ]
More Answers to “What should I do if I feel really sad
Wow, I’m really sad about Michael Jacksons death. How do you feel…?
It was very sad news to hear today. May he find the peace, privacy and freedom in his new life that he never got here.
Why do I always feel really sad after I hang out with my boyfrien…?
It sounds like you’re getting too used to the routine. I don’t see why it has to be scheduled that you hang out Fridays, but not Saturdays because those are dedicated to friends. Encourage him to be spontaneous! Invite him out for a special…
Should I feel really SAD if i got a 78.5 when the highest grade w…?
You shouldn’t feel sad, life is too short. Simply do better. But to tell you the truth, even if the highest was an 85, you know deep down you could have down better. If your professor isn’t teaching it the way that fits your personal unders…

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What should I do if I am having difficulty getting a job, living in dorm budget accom in London & feeling sad.?
Q: Looking for ideas as to what people would do.
A: do some volunteer work
I’m unable to feel any emotions, I don’t feel happy or sad or anything no matter what… What should i do ?
Q: I’ve started to feel purpose less in my life, and have realized that I don’t have any reactions to anything that happens. I don’t feel happy when something good happens, and i don’t feel sad when something bad happens… I don’t really feel anything at all. I feel like having to put up an act while talking to someone to express any kinds of emotions.All that keeps bothering me is why am i here and what’s the purpose of my existence…What should i do ?
A: i know exactly what you mean, it’s like you’re empty, i’ve been there and it’s very odd to deal with. i found therapy incredibly helpful for this problem, i’ve learned to allow myself to feel again now and it’s amazing 🙂 your first step should be to go and talk to your doctor about it, it does sound like you’re depressed. if it’s been going on for quite a while, no signs of stopping and it’s beginning to take over you life then it’s time to do something about it. reach out for the help you need and i hope you feel better soon xx
Why do i feel sad after seeing a really great theatre show?
Q: sometimes i go to live theatre and when i’m there i absolutely love it and am so happy but when i come home and over the next couple of days i feel really sad when i hear, for example, the songs from the show. why? i dunno it’s pretty weird. does anyone else feel sad after seeing a really good show and why? thanksthanks for the answers everyone but just an added thing; i’m talking live theatre, like plays and musicals, movies don’t have such a big effect on me.
A: Amy, it happens because you’ve left behind great feelings and YOU SIMPLY WANT TO BE THERE, You want to live it and never come back. That happens to me when I just don’t want to leave or just don’t want the show to end. I feel good and really sad for couple of days or whenever I remember that. It’s like you don’t want to get rid of past BUT IT HAS BECOME PAST.Hope that helps.
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