What should I do if My girlfriends mom is crazy

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A little bit crazy can often be mistaken for a bad thing. Just try to deal with it out of respect for your girlfriend. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-my-girlfriends-mom-is-crazy ]
More Answers to “What should I do if My girlfriends mom is crazy
How do I keep my girlfriend in this situation? She thinks my mom …?
You cant force someone to stay with you.Show her what you have wrote and that might make her realize how much you love and how upset you would be to lose her over this,OR is it something else that is making her want to break up?You have to …
Why does my mom and girlfriend think I’m crazy because of this??
=[ you sound sad.. i guess i cant really say much here.. but if it were me.. ha ha i guess ide agree with some of it.. I don’t like the whole idea of paying $7,000 coming from your family’s pocket so you can be cried about then tossed into …

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Girlfriends crazy mom threatend to throw dog into the streets!!?
Q: My girlfriend of 7 months and I recently bought a little puppy. It has been a great addition to the family and everyone loves him. In the past couple of days my girlfriends mom and her have been getting into a lot of fights and arguments. She is now threating to throw the dog into the streets anytime they get in an argument. She is very controlling and manipulative, and social services and the police have been to her house many times. Anyways I know that she will acctaully throw the dog into the streets and could care less about it(she did it with my girlfriends kitten when my girlfriend was only 10 or 11). So now my girlfriend is scared to leave the house or do anything because she is scared when she comes home the dog will be gone. My questions is this, if my girlfriends mom throws the dog into the streets or does anything to do the dog is there anything legally I can do.I live on my own, and my girlfriend and her mom live together. The plan was for the dog to only stay until june 1st because I will be moving into a pet friendly apartment then. I also have NOBODY else that the dog can stay with. No relatives no friends nobody at all.I tried talking to my current landlord at the basement sweet I live in now and it was a no from them. They have been really great to me and I wouldn’t feel right brining the dog into the house without there permission. Also my girlfriends mom really is crazy, I have millions of stories just tonight the cops had to come to her house because her mom was chasing her down the street threatening to beat her and throw the dog into the streets. I cant wait for june 1st!!!!!To the lady who said I am irresponsible, I think you misread the question. I tried to message you but you don’t allow it. I just want to say that I am defiantly not irresponsible and I did not buy the dog for my girlfriend. We talked to her mom about the dog staying there and she was fine with it. I will be moving into a place where dogs are allowed on june 1st and I live on my own but unfortunately here are no pets allowed here. Everything was going fine for the last little while, then the mom had a mental breakdown and all this is coming up. I just would like you to know that I am not irrespobsile and I care about my dog and its well being. As we speak I am looking into boarding kennels in my area, and will consider giving him to the SPCA or to a kind loving home if I feel that it what is best.One last thing. I didn’t know that my girlfriends mom threw a kitten into the streets until 5 nights ago(the first time she threatened to do it to the puppy).
A: if she is that nuts i would be really scared for the pup because she might abuse it when no one is around.if u have no one to care for it until june ur g f must have friends who could take it in for a few weeks! try to find someone quickly or the pup might not survive.sometimes a boarding kennel might help if u tell them whats going on and possibly they will cut the costs if u bring the food supply and are there every day to take the pup for a few hours. u can call the humane society if she hurts the pup and she can be charged but by then it might be to late. check around and make some calls to place the dog until he can be with u in ur new home and be safe. good luck
Girlfriends Mom is cat crazy!?
Q: i think my girlfriends mom is crazy. Her mom has 2 cats(male & female) but she neutered the boy too late. so now she has 5 kittens. thats 7 cats.best thing is that she thinks keeping them all is a good idea. unemployed and in an apartment. What can i do to make this turd think strait? i told them to neuter them earlier and to give them away before they too attached.
A: First off, Its your girlfriends mom… Its none of your business what they do.Don’t agree with it? Get over it.If it becomes a problem, I’m sure the mom will do something about it.But you can mention spay/neuter vouchers. Look them up on google.Most are given out to people who have low income.Varies due to marital status.You also need to find vets willing to take said vouchers.Good luck and don’t be a pain in the ass at a house you don’t live in.
Do you have a story about a boyfriends/girlfriends crazy Mom? SPILL IT!?
Q: Give me your stories. Did you break up with him? Did you get in any arguments? If you would like to share a crazy boyfriend/girlfriend Dad story that’s cool too.Thank you for the AWESOME stories so far! I loved them. Yeap answer number 2 you guessed it I’m having problems with his Mom. She’s controlling and freaky. Calls too much and treats him like a child. I’ve been with him for five years. I truly love him and I’m not letting his Mom get the to me.
A: How much time do you have? lol. My husband’s mom is so controlling. Especially in the beginning. When we first started dating, she was fine. Then we moved in together, right next door because he wanted to stay close because his dad (may his rest in peace) was in bad health. His mom was constantly coming over or sending his brother or nephew over just to tell him to go over there for nothing, just because she wanted to talk to him. She caused so many fights because she’s controlling but saying that I was trying to keep him from his family, which I wasn’t. She wouldn’t accept me because I took her first born away from her. Every now and then we have problems but nothing like what it was in the beginning. Pretty much the first year was hell. She calls him several times a day, not so much now that his dad has passed away. She says jump, he asked how high. There have been numerous fights involving me, his mom, and his sister (again, because I was keeping him from his family). There were a couple of almost “let’s throw down” fights, but I had to be the bigger person. My husband and I have been married for 19 months and everything has settled down and we actually get along pretty well (most of the time). Obviously, we didn’t break up. We loved each other way to much to just let our relationship go. He didn’t side with his family too much because he knew that I wasn’t doing anything that they were accusing me of. If you are going through hell because of his mother, don’t let it get you two to the point where you let her come between you two. If you truly love each other and it’s worth it, you can make it through it. Hang in there.
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