What to do when stressed out

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What to do when stressed out”,you can compare them.

Exercise is a good way to help stress. Plus you’ll get in shape! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-when-stressed-out ]
More Answers to “What to do when stressed out
In a study prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense by the Research Triangle Institute in 1998, researchers looked into the mental health effects of stress on active-duty military personnel. The study found that more men (24.6%) than…
To deal with stress, you need to identify its sources in your life. You need to recognize how stress affects you, understand how to avoid harmful stress, and know how you can deal with it when it occurs. You also need to realize that some e…
You may have seen stress rating scales that ask you how many stressors you have had in the past year. They give you a stress score by the type and number of stressful events you experienced. These scales can helpful you to identify major li…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I calm down when I start getting stressed out?
Q: Between family mini “crisis” and self esteem issues, tons of test and homework, trying to figure out who I am, growing up, having acne, and a newfound crush. I get pretty stressed sometimes. I need a way to just make myself calm down and breathe when I get stressed out but its really hard.What do you do?
A: Best way I have found to help with stressfull times is to get away from everybody, and anything that is stressing you out. Even if its only for 5 or 10 minutes. Find a quiet place. Sit down and relax, close your eyes, and take a deep breath then count to ten. You can do this a few times until you feel better.Another way to free stress is…Go for a walk even if its just around the block. Go by yourself.This will give you quiet time on your own, and time to think about your problems with a free open mind.
When your stressed out about something do you tend to have nightmares or unpleasant dreams?
Q: When i get really stressed out in school cause i know i can’t finish something i panic and start to get stressful dreams.or i can’t really sleep at night so i lie awake.do you?
A: YESS.The night before my driving test for my driving license i had a dream about this crazy old lady who would scream outside our house in the middle of the night and knock on our door and then run away. But not a normal scream, like a terrifying really loud scream. Eesh still gives me the creeps. But anyways she screamed so loud and i was so scared that i never got any sleep. SO the whole time i was dreaming i was stressing about not sleeping and stressing how to get rid of this crazy person. I woke up totally stressed from things that weren’t even real! haha :)But the worst is when Im stressed and I can’t sleep at all. And the clock is really slow and my mind is going over all the events that happened to me that day and I just want to yell “stop thinking!!” but I can’t… I hatee those nights.
How can I stop my self from getting stressed out and over whelmed when I get job?
Q: I’m desperate for a job and my problem is I tend to get stressed out and over whelmed which causes me to mess up and it cost me my first job. I look back and realize how easy how my job was and if I just kept my cool I would of been fine.How can I become more confident at my job when I get a new one. I don’t want this problem of mine getting in the way anymore. I know that I do an amazing job when I know what I’m doing but the other thing is I have horrible people skills.So how should I work and deal with my stress and my people skills? I’m tired of feeling stupid, my stomach being in knots, and I just want to hide in the corner. I know that I can do an amazing job because when I’m doing something I know how to do then everything is just right but I know that I’m not going to know how to do every single job. If someone can help me with my people skills and give me advice on not freaking out at my job when I feel like I’m about to mess up. Thanks for your help!
A: Just be yourself and be confident. I had the same exact problem when I first got my job at Old Navy. I felt like there was a lot going on and a lot that was expected of me. What you have to do is gain a personal relationship with your managers and supervisors. Let them know what is on your mind. You can even ask them for guidance. That is a major thing. never be afraid to ask questions. As far as people skills, think of it this way- People expect you to be confident in yourself and not to be afraid to say what you want to say. Why not just give them what they expect. If you come out of your shell you will be so much happier in life. People won’t look at you like “I thought she was supposed to be quiet, why is she speaking to me”, they will open up to what you have to say. Stressing out can be tough too, the best thing is to step back from the situation and breathe. I once messed up a transaction at the register, and then I couldn’t get my mind off of it. Not concentrating on what I was doing then made me mess up again and again. Before I knew it I was in over my head. You have to think of each thing after it happens as “in the past” because you can’t take it back and chances are no one expects you to. If you are looking for a job where your people skills will grow, I definetly recommen applying to the Old Navy nearest you. The whole idea behind working there is to have fun. I’m best friends with all of my managers and they know that at times I still can tend to be quiet, and I do mess up from time to time. But there is no pressure to do anything you don’t feel confident enough to do. If you ever feel like you can’t handle something, they are always open to giving a person advice. No matter what, go for it. Have confidence in yourself and live your life how you want.
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