When you kiss in the dream, what does it mean

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To dream of a kiss generally denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment. Who are you kissing? ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-kiss-in-the-dream%2C-what-does-it-mean ]
More Answers to “When you kiss in the dream, what does it mean
What does a kiss mean in a dream?
To dream of a kiss, denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and contentment If the dream ends just about you are about to kiss someone, indicates that you are unsure of how he or she really feels about you. You are looking for some s…
What does it mean when you kiss someone in a dream?
1: DREAMS MEAN A LOT! you people need to stop saying that they don’t mean anything because they do! your subconscious is communicating with you and the information can be very very helpful, you don’t even know that you know but that part of…
Could this be the meaning of my dream? a kiss?
So this was my final result… I was/am very worried about my brother-in-law and I love him very much and care for him very much. I did talk with my husband and we both feel the same way. We both want to help all that we can. So yesterday w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean to have a dream when you are being kissed by someone you never meet?
Q: Has anyone had these dreams where someone is actually kissing you,, and yet you have never ever seen,or met that person in your real life?I had several dreams like that and i have absolutly no idea what they mean.Does anyone know what these kissing dreams means?
A: I think it means you are accepting more parts of yourself, getting more integrated & healthy as a person, growing up & maturing.
What does it mean when, in a dream, you kiss someone that you don’t have feelings for?
Q: Last night I dreamed that I was kissing and pretty much making out with this boy, a good friend of mine, that I’ll call Josh… I don’t have romantic feelings for him, and I woke up in the middle of the night and freaked out.What does it mean when you have these dreams, and what causes them?
A: It might mean a few things. I know what dreams mean and such. So, if I knew more about the dream, I could give a more accurate answer. But my best guess is that either you, in the future, do indeed have feelings for him, or, you can feel his emotions in your dreams and he likes you, as in this case would mean he had kissed you. 🙂 Hope that helps.
What does a dream mean when u kiss ur ex-bf?
Q: I haven’t seen him in a long time and we broke up bc he left for college. What does it mean?
A: Kissing dreams often mean that you are trying to take control of a person. It could mean that you are yearning to reconcile with him, or it could mean that you don’t want to be with him, but don’t like the idea of someone else being with/kissing him. You may be feeling a little insecure right now, and the dream could symbolize a time in your life when you were in a secure relationship. Not knowing what is going on in your life right now makes it difficult to get the correct interpretation.
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