Where can I get help for depression

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Where can I get help for depression”,you can compare them.

Family doctors, mental health specialists and community health centers are all great places to find help for depression. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-can-i-get-help-for-depression ]
More Answers to “Where can I get help for depression
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, seek your health care provider’s advice for treatment or referral to a mental health professional.
1-800-SUICIDE 911 1-800-NEWLIFE hospital ER your community’s mental health your family Dr a Counselor So, get on the phone – make a call
Start with your doctor, who can rule out the possibility that you have some other physical condition that is causing it. If a depression is diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant , recommend talk therapy, or refer you to a p…

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What do you call a dip or depression on either side of a road where the wheels have dug in over time?
Q: I’m not even sure if I’m asking this right. You can see this on older roads, both pavement and gravel. There will be a U type depression where the wheels of cars have pushed down over time.Is there a specific word for such a depression?
A: Rut – a hollow track or groove made by a wheel or by continuous use.
How do I fill a depression where my driveway meets the street?
Q: My car scrapes when I pull out of the driveway. How can I fill in the depression where the driveway meets the street??
A: Your local street department should take care of this, but it may be more hassle than it is worth.If you can’t wait for them, or they refuse to do it for one reason or another, go to a store that sells Sakrete or Quickcrete and get a few bags of blacktop patch. Looks like asphalt, actually is a type of asphalt. It will come out of the bag loose. Use a garden rake or shovel to place it where you need it and pack it down. Running over it with your tires a few times is the easiest. Hardest part is lifting the bags, they will be 60 – 90 lbs depending upon which brand you end up with.
Where can I find a therapist that specializes in depression?
Q: I struggle with depression, I have had few counselors that I really liked, they seemed pretty good at what they do, but is seems to me that they don’t know how to really help me, because they don’t specialize in depression. I feel like I’m getting no where with them sometimes. I was wondering if anyone knows where in central new jersey I might be able to find a therapist that specializes in depression?
A: Look for a therapist with a Masters degree or Doctorate. They are qualified to deal with depression issues.A psychotherapist (Ph.D) is great. I had one for six years that brought me out of insanity into reality. That and medication and group therapy helped me become a sane, tax-paying citizen, that just graduated with a 4 year Bachelor degree.It’s a miracle, cuz I was pretty worthless when I started therapy with her.To find help in your area use the site below. They have online counseling with doctors, support groups you can join, a medical library and lots more. They’re getting really popular, I saw them on tv and in some magazines. And it’s all free.
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