Why am I afraid of fish

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Ichthyophobia is the fear of fish. I am afraid of fish too! No one knows why some people are afraid and some aren’t. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-afraid-of-fish ]
More Answers to “Why am I afraid of fish
Are You Afraid of Fish Oil?
You might also consider a higher dose of fish oil if you’ve previously been on (and hopefully are now off) a low-fat diet (<20% of calories from fat) without fish oil supplementation. This is the absolutely wrong diet for omega-3 health….
Am i the only person in this world afraid of fish?
yes, yes your the only one personally im terrified of whales
Who’s afraid of cooking fish?
Posted by Helen at 10:03 PM 1 comments Links to this post

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why am I afraid of fish, and why do I hate to eat fish?
Q: I remember when I was really young I loved to fish. I loved catching them and stuff like that. I’m not sure what age I started to be afraid of them though, I know it was before 12. I’m 18 now. Anyway, I’m afraid to touch them even with gloves and I’m afraid to swim in a lake and usually before I get into my pool I have to get on the ladder and look in the pool before I get in (Even though there’s no way a fish can get in there…). And I’m not able to eat fish anymore for some reason. It just disgusts me for some reason. But I have no problem with chicken, turkey, beef or whatever else. — Anyway, even those fish that aren’t even an inch long, I’m afraid of those too. I have no idea why. I’m not even afraid of bears or tigers. I’d love to fistfight a bear or tiger. Hell, I’d rather fight a bear or a tiger than swim in a lake.
A: It seems as if puberty has left you a bit OCD about fish. Getting a pet goldfish might help you get over this. Put on a rubber glove and reach in and gently pick up your fish. Go to a restaurant and order salmon. You need to desensitize yourself!
Why are fish afraid of bubbles?
Q: Dolphins and whales use bubbles nets to trap fish, but is there a differet reason why fish are afraid of bubbles?
A: ensuring the survival of themselves, requires them to be ‘scared’ of everything that poses a threat to them. also, they dont fair very well in air do they so it makes sense to get away.
I am afraid of fish sauce that is in many Asian recipes,can it be home made or can you reccomend a brand?
Q: I was confusing sauce with stock.Yes I want the best brand,and by being afraid, I mean to fishy.I saw a Mexican using the discarded parts of fish to make stock, heads and tails, I guess that is another question.
A: I am a former chef and like beef, chicken and pork stock it is made with the fish bones, onions, celery and spices, covered with water and cooked for 1 -2 hours after that it can be bitter, we used to use whitefish bones, like halibut sole, haddock and hake or pollack.I also buy a brand of cubes from Hispanic grocerys from Mexico, to add a boost a bottle of clam juice or nectar is a good addition for soups, sauces or to poach fish in. Just make sure to limit the salt as it can be harsh, buy the fish bones from a reputable fish store, salmon bones are to oily but can be used for a salmon dish stock base.As for fish sauce I worked as a chef in Asia, and brand to brand is basically the same, I like thai or Vietnamese for my cooking choices, lighter the colour the better.
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