Why am I obsessive

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Obsessiveness is usually a defense adapted in childhood to help disassociate from emotional pain. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-obsessive ]
More Answers to “Why am I obsessive
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Summary: Learn about obsessive compulsive disorder in this free mental health video.
Do I have obsessive compulsive disorder?
At this point it seems that you have a mild obsessive compulsive disorder based on your statement that you are being told in your head to do it. What happens if you don’t do it? Do you get anxious or feel like something will go wrong? Y…
How to Stop Obsessive Thoughts
・ 1 Confront the thought head on and don’t perform the associated action. For example, if you obsess over… ・ 2 Assign responsibility to a trusted person. For example, if you obsess over whether you’ve left the… ・ 3 Visualize a stop sign…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why am I so controlling and obsessive?
Q: I have a big deal about being right, being perfect (in grades, sports, etc.), and the people around me are frowned upon (by me) if they do not agree with the things I do, which are, of course, the only way which things should be done. I have dreams of being queen and getting everyone do to exactly what I find acceptable, and creating perfect cities and little towns in my own country. (Note that I do not expect this to happen, as much as I wish it would.)My friends call me controlling and obsessive. Why am I like this?
A: I personally think it’s because you feel very little control…and are not yet very secure with yourself. When we feel out of control we tend to try to control everything around us.
Why am I really obsessive and little things irritate me?
Q: The littlest things irritate me, like thee TV volume not being on a even or “5” number. My friend just got a tatoo and it irritates the shit out of me and I don’t know why? I often hide my obsessive and compulsive feeling while at school and public but its very hard. My Mom suffers from serious bipolar disorder and I just can’t be like her. Whats the problem and how can I cope with it.
A: There is strong evidence the the bi-polar disorder can be inherited. Wait. keep reading! If you’ve got it there isn’t any use denying it. On the other hand, you may have another condition. Superimportant: Go see an expert, a psychiatirst (because he deals in prescribed medication) for a “medication evaluation,” get interviewed and see what he/she comes up with.If you’re bi-polar you must have periods of talkative highs (including impatience and irritability) alternating with period of depression (when you feel reluctant to face others and want to stay home and lone), Otherwise, you’re not bi-polar. Period
Could this explain why I am so Obsessive?
Q: I have a Leo Sun, Libra Moon, and a Pisces Ascendant…But, I’ve grown more aware of the aspects in my chart, and Pluto (in Scorpio and the 8th house) is Square my Sun, Venus and Mars (all in Leo in the 6th house). My Libra Moon also resides in the 8th house.What kind of personality do you think a person with this kind of chart would have?Wow, thanks Artemis. Unfortunately, I do have all of those tendencies that you mentioned; but I’m far more likely to take it all out on myself.Ugh…well Neptune is in Capricorn (11th house) and sextile Pluto and trine Jupiter….does that make it better or worse? I know they’re both good aspects, but Neptune does have a connection with the whole Plutonian mess.
A: Hi!Heavy squares to Sun, Mars and Venus all at once ain’t so easy to explain. Person with Pluto square Sun suffers from low self esteem, seasonal unwillingness to life, there might be a self-destruction and fears. These people find their own position in society and commune really hard, their lesson in this life is to learn to trust the most important person in life->myself. Pluto’s squares to Venus makes one be capable of being a great manipulator and are often caught up trying to make things appear a certain way. You have difficulty in letting go even when a situation is painful. Your love life will never probably be harmonious, you must pay attention to not be as you said obsessive. Pluto’s square to mars brings more, you have a tendency to impose your will upon others, which can cause severe problems for yourself when they react in self-defense. You have a hair-trigger temper and may even resort to verbal or physical abuse when upset. Learning to react to unpleasant circumstances with your intellect rather than your emotions comes with maturity. Try to avoid being negative and solve things with first feeling that comes along. Obsessive might be the right word, but you can not use it “cause that’s in your natal chart”, you must learn your lesson harder than many others, as having so many strong aspects in you chart. When you control and learn this side of you, you will use it as an endless wisdom and source of creative. Don’t let your self down with hard aspect from Pluto to Sun, you must learn to live with that “dark side” and trust your self. Luck and peace to your life!
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