Why am i racist

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That was a rude response from the previous guide. I don’t think any one race is more racist than another. Racism is everywhere! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-racist ]
More Answers to “Why am i racist
Why Am I racist…..? why is that? so in order to be a non racist…?
Well, the most common reason I could think of is that people get offended by you airing your opinion. Its not good to lie, but I’ve learnt that it can make a lot of enemies by telling people what you think of them. Its also that people may …
Are you racist?
uh, no, those are tricks of survival learned through conditioning.  Racism is believing that you are better than someone else because they are from a different race than you.  Prejudice is judging a fat person to have some unfavorable trait…
What is racist?
Treating someone differently because of their race. a.what they said ↑

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A: As a black gal who prefers to date white guys, I understand what you mention, as I have experienced the same thing.That’s not the definition of a racist mind you, so those people branding you as a racist are only saying that out of their OWN jealousy, insecurity and sometimes racism. Racism would not tolerate diversity, in my own opinion.
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A: It’s the ‘fight or flight’ syndrome. They don’t want to leave their gravytrain (flight). So, they stay and try to ‘fight’ their losing battle. They are wrong, they know it and they are grasping at any straw they can find. They call us racists, lazy, inhumane, you name it. They don’t have a leg to stand on. Like a child that has been reprimanded and punished they want to retaliate. They do it in the same childish manner,inappropriate name calling, making up falsehoods and imaginary stories. We are not racist for wanting our laws enforced. We have every right to demand those illegals leave our country, since WE are the ones footing the bill for them to be here UNNECESSARILY.
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