Why are guys afraid of rejection

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Some guys are afraid of rejection because of low self esteem. They cant handle criticism well. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-guys-afraid-of-rejection ]
More Answers to “Why are guys afraid of rejection
Why do guys …………….? not ask girls out? or ask them to d…?
You can not “make” anyone like you romantically and even if a guy is not shy and does not fear rejection most girls will NOT go out with a guy just because he asked her to a dance if she is wanting someone else to ask her.
Are guys afraid of rejection ?
Are guys afraid of rejection ? -At times… yes. But I’m a good sport. I just try not to come off as “creepy” or like I’m trying to pick up on a girl. If I talk it’s all genuine. I have no other intentions other than to get to kn…
Why are guys so afraid of rejection?
Well I think you answered you’re own question, or at least hint at the fact you know the answer. I think your just looking to see of others agree with you. I’ll humor you and say this. Guys are afriad of rejection because we are guys. No ma…

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Q: I’d like to understand please
A: because guys try to claim that they have “game” and are players and they would look like idiots from there friends so they just wait for someone to ask them out
Why are guys so afraid of rejection?
Q: Why are guys afraid to ask out girls???Why are they afraid of rejection?
A: pretty much if she says no ur screwed
Girls………….why are guys afraid of rejection????????
Q: I’m a 10th grader in high school, and there is this girl in the same grade. She’s in my Spanish class. So anyways, we were complete strangers until about 3 weeks ago where the teacher changed seats and I sat next to her. We started talking, but nothing serious. We kind of flirt….but not really. I’m not really sure if she likes me or not…so thats my question.Because I’m afraid to take the next step. How do I take the next step? What is the next step?Because I don’t have her number, screen name, nothing. We just see each other for 50 minutes a day, but I’m afraid to take the next step (whatever it is) because I guess I’m afraid of rejection.So what should the next step be?
A: how to take the next step would be to poke her then when u get her laughing a little bit ask her if she would like to hang out sometime then ask for her number. Also when you get her number if u really want to hang out think of something you can both do and call her asap or she’ll think you really don’t care
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