Why are memories so important to us

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Memory is a universal process central to people’s sense of identity- who they are, what they know & how they envision the future. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-memories-so-important-to-us ]
More Answers to “Why are memories so important to us
Why is memory so important for us to study and understand??
Memory is what we use everyday .. birthdays anniversaries weddings …. and check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is memory so important for us to study and understand?
A: Memory is what we use everyday .. birthdays anniversaries weddings …. and check this outhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory
Why are memories and traditions important to us?
A: It depends on how old you are. When was the last time you lost your keys? Now you see, memory is important. And when your memory fails, if you had maintained a tradition of putting your keys in the same all the time, tradition can recover your memory. Now, does that help? I have a tradition of not remembering!Shingoshi Dao
Why is the quantity of education more important to us than the quality?
Q: (A lack of independant thinking )A previous answerer mentioned we are more advanced now because more people are educated than in the past…. But the quality of education has sliped dramaticaly in recent years, medothology and aproach and organisation and simply just working anything out seems to be missing from education.I recently took gcse maths at my local college, the percentage of my grade to get a pass was about 30 % from memory, this is a joke!!! My education im now 26 was discusting compared to the gennerations past say a 45 year olds education, the methods taught to us and the ability to weight qusetions up gather info and come to an inteligent conclusion has slipped. Why is quantity more important to us as voters than quality?The loss of Independant thinking is the essence of my question!
A: this is an excellent question.. OK you have a broad range of more qualified students at school, but if we look at the divisions in school, between those that achieve and those who do not, and look at why that is and the impact on quantity and not quality you will find that over all, some kids are really brilliant at certain subjects but get over whelmed but the pace and huge work load so they end up failing, while those good at memory and passive learning sail through.. If you talk to these bight young things, academically they look impressive, but their ability to problem solve, research and debate are aw full.. I feel that quality is better than quantity, I would rather have my son pass one gcse with good full knowledge and understanding them 5 that he cannot use out side of the class room! Teachers have so much to cram in, their is not time for independent debate – research or the chance to say , yes but sir…Until they go to college, there is no depth in children’s knowledge now a days… and yes there is massive loss of independent thinking in education today, like everything else these days.. its processed!
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