Why do good guys always finish last

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In my book good guys finish first! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-good-guys-always-finish-last ]
More Answers to “Why do good guys always finish last
Why do “good guys” always finish last??
because our society values machismo and “good guys” are viewed as weak and effeminate. you don’t have to buy into it if you don’t want to, though.
What does, “good guys always finish last” mean?
It can be read in a few ways, but generally it means that if you play by the rules, some cheat will beat you.
Who says good guys always finish last?
One big-hearted FDNY hero was honored for his charity work on July 22 by Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain and representatives from Dunkin Donuts.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do good guys always finish last?
Q: It seems like the good guys are never successful till the very end. What do you think? Why do you always go after the ‘bad boys’?
A: Because there is a difference between being a good guy and being a wimp. A lot of good, ‘nice’ guys are actually extremely submissive and display low social value. Women subconsciously pick up on this and do not feel any attraction for them. Instead they go for men who display high social value through their body language and interaction with those around them.
Why Do Good Guys Always Finish Last, I Question This?
Q: So let me start, when I was in high school I never got into any trouble. I never drank, did drugs or anything. Henceforth I had no social life, cause where I live you have to drink to have a social life. I never got chicks, I hated high school and had no fun. I studied, never cheated or anything. I watched my peers cheat, get drunk do drugs, get caught by the police and numerous times their charges got dropped cause they were “good kids.” I always did my work, never missed an assignment etc etc blah blah blah.Let me add that many kids from my grade got into IVY league or almost ivy league schools that had lower grades, lower SAT’s, they were lazy and they weren’t smart, they simply got in cause they weren’t white. I know the valedictorian didn’t get in to Columbia and an kid who was number 20 in the class with much lower sat’s got in, he was arab.So I go to college, I do the exact same thing. I also spend all four years of college trying to better myself, I loose a ton of weight and start to working out a lot. Instead bettering myself I get a freaking eating disorder, exercise too much, and don’t eat enough. I am overly fatigued and do bad in school as a result. I barely graduated on time. I had no fun in college, I had no friends cause yet again you needed to drink to have a social life.I also get into shooting sports. For some reason you can drink, smoke, do drugs openly but god forbid you like to shoot guns you are Satan himself. I knew people who were busted dealing coke on campus, they were kicked out of school never charged, and their horrible grades were wiped away so they have a clean slate. God forbid I bring a gun on campus although I’m legally allowed to carry in many states, would get charged with a felony.So each summer I would come home feeling like an idiot after barely getting through each semester. I worked for my parents. I worked with this girl a few years younger than me, she was amazing in every way. But the fact of the matter she was at an age where we couldn’t date, I was an adult, and she was a minor, she was also my subordinate. She spent all three years hitting on me, telling me she loved me, grabbing at me. I couldn’t say crap, I couldn’t even hint I liked her. I felt like I had an obligation to be a good guy. Push comes to shove one December after I went to college I thought she was mad at me and I broke her heart. I freaking apologized profusely to her, explained I did like her and the only reason I was rejecting her cause of the circumstances. I guess she was mad I was rejecting her and refused to talk to me again. Fast forward two years later, she starts stalking me.So anyway I should have banged that underage girl, and tons more, started drinking at fourteen, smoked pot and never tried to loose weight cause I would be better off now than before.The reason why I question this is cause I always wanted to be a cop or a solider and though you had to be morally upstanding to do either. That was one reason why I always was a good kid. Instead I found at the recruiters office people who had less than stellar records, and I am bumping into friends from school who are cops who have less than stellar records.I guarantee I have committed more felonies in the presence of police officers than you have in your entire lives. I took up brazilian ju jitsu and mixed martial arts, I’ve been knocked out and separated my shoulder. How am I not driven and daring.
A: People who succeed the most in life tend to be those who are willing to try new things. Who are adventurous and driven. Well-rounded. Who are willing to take risks, yet face the consequences of failure.You don’t appear to be any of that.—————–Also, nice guys finish last because it’s nicer to let her finish first. 😉
why is it that nice guys always finish last?
Q: Me and my girlfriend just broke up 2 weeks ago. I treated this girl like a complete princess, gave her everything she wanted loved her unconditionally and was great to her. In the beggening of the relationship she was really good to me and it seemed the more i fell in love with her and the better i was to her the worse she became to me. She would always tell me that im the greatest thing that has ever happened to her and that she loves me to death and dosnt deserve me and asks why i put up with her Sh*t. no matter how bad she had treated me i would always put it aside and be as good to her as i could be. her last two boyfriends treated her like complete garbage were never really good to her (from what she says and what ive seen) they’ve both cheated on her and she took them both back and treated them great. When she broke up with me she said that this is what would be best for me that she didnt deserve me and that this is what she needed. I pleeded and begged her not to do this that im madly in love with her and will take whatever she gives me as longs as i have her thats all i need. I dont get how someone can go from constantly being treated like crap and being cheated on and being great to the past two guys to come to someone like me who treats her like gold the way she deserves to be treated and this is what i get for it. so why is it that “nice guys finish last”?
A: it happened to me 2 man don’t worry it get’s better it has been three months after my horrible break up, what made it worse is after 2 months she was with another man already, i found out that if u give a girl everythign she wants she will get bored with u easly
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