Why do I hate white people

Health related question in topics Conversational Psychology Cultures Groups .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I hate white people”,you can compare them.

I’m not sure you might need to look inside yourself to find the answer. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-hate-white-people ]
More Answers to “Why do I hate white people
Why do you hate white people?
You’re over-reacting and/or oversensitive. I’m objective and rational, so listen to me when I tell you to calm down.
Why do white people hate black people?
all white people do not hate black people you can’t hate a whole race you can misunderstand a lot of people but you can’t hate an entire race Try being a Native American having your home invaded taken away being sent to boarding schools hun…
Is it ok to hate white people?
is ur psych teacher black? cuz if he/she was I would report that….. I really appreciate u saying u don’t think all blk ppl are racist, but I think it should be Blk ppl saying that they don’t think all white ppl are racist, cuz that’s a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do so many black people hate white people but the majority of them have white blood in them?
Q: A lot of them hate white people but have white blood in them. Do they hate themselves?
A: Yes black people suffer from hating themselves and most won’t admit that. Yes most of us have white blood in us, but only because of the rape of black women in the past. I don’t like the white blood in me because it’s not suppose to be there. It was forced and it remind me of the pain my ancestors went through.
Why do black people hate white people so much?
Q: Obviously, there are a lot of black and white cowards in this section who talk crap over the internet but in real life I’ve noticed that black people hate white people and try to distance themselves and sometimes even express how much they hate us with their words. Why do black people hate white people so much? Is it because there great great great grandfather had a chance of possibly being a slave?
A: I’d love to know this too. I do know that anything you do, being white, can be considered racist. People probably believe that even your question is racist, but if a black person asked why do whites hate blacks they would not be racist. Even if you say the n-word, everyone will freak out. But when a white person is called a cracker, white boy, honky, or whatever, nobody will care. Another thing that is slightly off topic, when one is proud to be white, they are racist. When one is proud to be black, they are simply proud. When blacks get together and march for their own rights and treatment, it’s supportive. If whites got together and marched for anything having to do with being white, it will be viewed as racist. So I suppose one possible answer could be that black people hate white people so much, because they can. And nobody will care enough to stand up for it.
Why Does Farrakhann Hate White People With Blue Eyes?
Q: Why do they say white people are the blue eyed devils? Why isn’t it green eyes, or brown eyes ? Don’t any colored people have blue eyes? Do Palestinians have anyone with blue eyes? Why did the Brazil President say blue eyed whites caused the economy meltdown? What is with all this BLUE EYED HATE?Malcolmx would say that too- white people were blue eyed devils. Where do they get this from? Where did it orginate?
A: Calypso Louie is a race baiter. All of this is just hate speech
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