Why do people chew on their pencils

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people chew on their pencils”,you can compare them.

Chewing on pencils may just be a habit or it could be a vitamin deficiencies. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-chew-on-their-pencils ]
More Answers to “Why do people chew on their pencils
Do you chew your pens and pencils?
no, i think it’s disgusting when people do. especially when i let them borrow my pen or pencil! & when people chew the eraser part of the pencil… yuckkk.
Why you shouldn’t chew this pencil
This is a 240 pencil set made from the carbon of a cremated human. Each pencil is foil stamped with the name of the deceased. Only one pencil can be removed at a time. You sharpen the pencil by putting it back in the box. The shavings then …
What does chewing on your pencil mean?
It means that you are either thinking or nervous.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does my cat like to chew on pencils???
Q: My cat will pick pencils off of my desk and chew on them. I’m tired of bite marks (she has actually even split some of them open) all of my pens and pencils. Does anyone know why she does this???Can she get lead poisioning from colored pencils?
A: Cats like to chew on wood. Don’t let them chew at the end of the pencil were you write.
why do people chew pencils?
A: Cause pencils are cool to chew, especially when there is nothing to do!P.s. They taste nice LOL!
How many people……chew on their pencils or pens….when they are thinking hard?
A: All the time.I even tries to break the habit by putting Tabasco sauce on the tip. Worked for a while, but I fell right back into it.
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