Why do people have dreams of their teeth falling out

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To dream that you have rotten or decaying teeth, forewarns that your health and/or business is in jeopardy. You may have…MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-have-dreams-of-their-teeth-falling-out ]
More Answers to “Why do people have dreams of their teeth falling out
What does it mean when you dream of your teeth falling out??
some lectures I attended on dreams put a funny spin on this symbol. Usually the people who would report having that dream just kept on talking and never stopped to hear the meaning. Usually these people were extremely wordy. Others couldn’t…
What do dreams about your teeth falling out mean?
To dream that you have rotten or decaying teeth, forewarns that your health and/or business is in jeopardy. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you. To dream that your teeth is gleaming, si…
Are you bothered by dreams of teeth falling out?
It may seem strange, but dreams of teeth falling out are one of the top five most common dreams! You may touch a tooth and find it’s lose, or feel your whole mouth is full of teeth which have dropped out of your gums. These dreams are often…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do so many people dream of their teeth falling out?
Q: is it because we rely on our teeth so much?
A: I’ve read somewhere that it is the anxiety symbol of fear of getting older. As far as dream interpretation, it has to do with losing money.
For the past 2 nights in a row I had vivid dreams that my teeth were falling out. Why?
Q: I BARELY EVER remember my dreams, but for the past 2 nights, this recurring dream of my teeth falling out (not all of them, but a lot of them) was very vivid and stuck in my head, which is really rare for me. The dreams seemed SO real too.Why have I been dreaming this dream?What does it mean?
A: Maybe you need to see the dentist. Our smiles are what people see first. You can wear ugly clothes, but good healthy teeth is better than someone with the fanciest clothes with a yuck mouth. I had dreams of my teeth falling out and I made my first dental appointment in several years. I had to have 2000 dollars worth of dental work and have my wisdom teeth removed. Hope this helped.
Why do I have dreams about my teeth falling out?
Q: The theme is always the same, but the dream varies. It is sometimes one tooth or sometimes many teeth. But it is always painless and very upsetting. If they’re not all just coming out, I usually try to put one back and can’t figure out which way to face it. Is this like one of those dreams that many of us have like falling or flying?
A: It is a common dream as far as I know. I’ve heard it means you feel as if you have said more than you should have. -Things that shouldn’t come spilling out of your mouth and leave you feeling…well…awkward.Hmmm…
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