Why do people yawn when they are tired

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people yawn when they are tired”,you can compare them.

Scientists are not really sure why we yawn however, there are popular theories. Some believe that we yawn when we are tired because it helps to arouse us or prevent us from falling asleep. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-yawn-when-they-are-tired ]
More Answers to “Why do people yawn when they are tired
Why do you yawn when you are tired?
People yawn when they are tired because it helps get more oxygen to the brain.
Does yawning mean your tired?
Yes , when you yawn you take a slow and deep breath that brings more oxygen to the brain. the oxygen gives your brain cells a little wake up call.
Do you yawn when you are tired?
yes when you are tired and your body is trying to stay awake it yawns

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people yawn when they are tired?
Q: Everything the body does has a reason for doing it. What causes people to yawn? I know that people yawn when they are tired, but WHY does a person yawn from being tired
A: Yawning is a way of getting more oxygen to your body. People often feel lethargic when they are deprived of oxygen, so when you are tired, your brain triggers a yawn to take in more air.
Do people yawn when they are tired? What is the meaning of Yawning? & Why are they contagious?
Q: I yawn when i am tired at times, other times i am not tired.
A: As you get tired your body puts less oxygen into your bloodstream. Yawning is your bodys mechanism to draw in more air. In ancient times of communial living, when some one yawned it signaled it was time for rest and it was an instinctual signal to others that it was a time for rest too. Although we don’t live in communal caves like our ancestors did, we still key off others yawns as a signal we need to rest.
When a person is tired and yawns, why does it cause other people to yawn afterwards?
Q: Also please clarify why people yawn to begin with
A: A yawn has something to do with the diaphragm. I don’t know what causes the reaction but it could be related to mirror neurons.
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