Why do you cry when your upset

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do you cry when your upset”,you can compare them.

Your eyes get the message from your brain to make you cry and the lacrimal glands made the tears. Text ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-cry-when-your-upset ]
More Answers to “Why do you cry when your upset
Why do people cry when they’re upset?
When you are strongly affected by an emotion (this includes crying in joyous situations), your body creates a number of hormones, including leucine enkephalin (a sedative/painkiller) and prolactin. These reflexes are controlled by the so-ca…
Why do i cry so much?
Hormones. It happens to every girl at certian times. It will pass.
Can cats cry when upset? Are they capable?
This FAQ was created a few years or so ago when someone emailed a similar question, and you’ll see my response was in the negative. Since then, the anecdotal comments to this post have been overwhelmingly in the positive, as evidenced in al…

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Q: When I cry or become really upset, my legs and my arms ache like hell for hours and hours, and the thought of a massage sounds like Heaven. (Ha ha!) Why does this happen?
A: It is a normal reaction for you to feel this way. The body deals with STRESS also through our nervous system and can create tension in your muscles. A massage is a great way to release that stress and massage not only relaxes you but releases happy chemicals in your brain. Take care of yourself. Depression may also be a cause.
Why do I get Massive headaches when I cry or get upset?
Q: It is usually when I cry but does happen when I get horribly upset…why does this happen and is there a way to stop it? it is a throbbing headache right in the front of my forehead, aspirin and ibuprofen does nothing. Ice packs and cold items make it worse, what can I do?queenb…I find your answer very rude and ignorant. I do not cry all the time and do not need “therapy” In case you did not notice but this is not in the mental health section. I have had these headaches since I was a child and have always been told by doctors “don’t cry” which I think most people can agree that a normal human being cannot go through life without stress, heartache and just not cry, ever. Yes I get upset when a family member or pet dies and I also believe that many other situations may cause someone to cry, it is a natural reaction that us humans face through out life. People like you, assuming that it is bothersome and un-natural are the problem..that is why so many people are in therapy today. Have a good day.
A: it could be your blood pressure going up and down i have the same problem and untill you are upset like that in front of your medical professional they will not find it that is how it was for me so next time you go in make a fuss and get all upset so you can show them what happens. what i do to stop the head aches is take escedrin tension headache it works for real in like 5 min after taking it
Why do we cry when we get upset?
Q: Yeah, I know, when we get something in you’re eye it blocks our vision so our body’s natural reflex is to tear up to get the thing out of our eye.But what I mean is, Why do we cry when we get upset? What triggers it in our brain to make us cry?
A: we cry to show others we are in mental or phyical distress , the chemical make up of tears of pain are different than thoes of happiness
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