Why is it so hard to let things go

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is it so hard to let things go”,you can compare them.

It is hard to let go because it is impossible to forget things that matter. Not everyone can dance, but everyone can ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-so-hard-to-let-things-go ]
More Answers to “Why is it so hard to let things go
Why is it so hard for people to let go of things that they know w…?
In relationships, I am personally experiencing this, denial is ones way to lie to themselves that they are not the problem. Thus, if the relationship is over they will continue to pursue you, even if their friends lie to justify bad behavio…
Why is it so hard for me to let go of people and things??
Probably because you had someone important leave or die when you were young and that scarred you and you dont want that to happen again. But everything goes or leaves its a natural thing nothing is permanent not even the sun.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it hard to let go of things you loved before you enter adulthood?
Q: Knowing that people will grow up later in life and will soon look for employment, be married with kids/no kids (better that way), and with a good career.Now, is it really hard to let go of things people valued and enjoyed most in their childhood – like video games, being a home-body, going out to parties, pornography, spending too much time on the internet, etc? How hard is that?
A: I play video games, watch movies, I’m still watching Buffy at age 23 (sad but so what) and I do party a hell of a lot. I looked at porn twice today….You don’t have to give it upTho I dont have a family.
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A: Tickle his nose or push on his nose pad and say drop it. He will learn. This is an agressive behavior, he wants to tell you whose boss.
Why is it so hard to let some things go?
Q: I have been married to 2 yrs my husband has made some very very bad mistakes in the past I honestly belive him when he tells me he will never hurt me like that ever again he has changed and trys as hard as he can every day to prove it to me Some times i am reminded of what he has done and it angers me alot i still cry and it still hurts why is it so hard to just get over this its been about a yr but on some days it feels like just yesterday
A: We dwell on the fact of how could they do this to us! We can’t get past it becuz it’s something we know we would have never done to them. We will forgive becuz we may possibly love them but forgetting is not something we are capable of after being hurt.My husband hurt me 7 yrs ago, w/ in that time til now everyday I would think about what he did and everyday pushed me further away from him. That is why I am where I am now. I’m getting a divorce. I thought I loved him but I was so sadly mistaken. it was routine that kept me w/ him, it was the kids, it was the fact that I was comfortable. I can get over all that now. I will find someone that will love me and someone I can love w/ all my heart!Good luck! I hope u can get past whatever he did or u’ll just be right where I am.
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