Why is life so horrible

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Life is what you make it of. Try to see if there are any positive changes you can make. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-life-so-horrible ]
More Answers to “Why is life so horrible
Why is your life so horrible?
my life isn’t horrible but you can have a horrible life if you use drugs or liquor to the extremes. if you are abused if you are hiding a terrible thing you did, if your spouse uses drugs and liquor or cheats on you. if you’re to drunk or h…
Is life so horrible that…?
The U.S. does not have an official language. Therefore no one, English-speaking or otherwise, is entitled to hear their native language exclusively or as a “default.” I feel grateful that I happen to live in a country where my nat…
How do you go on, when life seems so horrible? what real reasons …?
Hope is holding you here for someday to find someone who would care and love you the way you should be loved. Hope for someday to see your children right beside you. But not everything is carried by hope sometimes you have to fight to get c…

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Why does my Nikon Coolpix l18 have such horrible battery life?
Q: I only have about 10 pictures on my digital camera that i’ve had since last Christmas because the battery life is so horrible! I use the batteries it suggests (It’s uses non-rechargeable batteries) but the battery life still lasts only about 10 minutes! Why is that? Am I doing something wrong with it? I do a lot of school activities and my friends always bring their cameras to take pictures but I can never bring mine because it only lasts a few minutes 🙁
A: along with what as previously mentioned. The motor the pulls out the lens drains the battery, if you take a picture, shut it off, turn it on in less then a minute, you’d be better off leaving it on. The back light eats batteries. If your using “super heavy duties” or some other dollar store brand, those wont last long because of their nature. I have had the best result with Panasonic or energizer rechargeables, now, I’m not trying to go eco friendly with them, but they do last longer than regular energizer. they usually come in 4 packs, leaves you a set to charge, and one to use. the camera draws alot, naturally heats up the batteries, if your doing alot of video work, and using the batteries for long periods of time, they will heat up, spacing the molecules more, making electricity pass less, and them die faster. The way rechargeables are made (from my understanding) it is harder to space the molecules, and keeps healthier batteries under larger draws.
If being a muslim is the best religion then why do they live a horrible life and in bad countries?
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A: because God has a better plan for themhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AozSGv9cBVIok0_Incu6_hHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081127163130AAisdlW
Why is it that just because I don’t believe in God or religion, some people think I live a horrible life?
Q: I live my life by the golden rule, I don’t steal, I don’t cheat, I don’t lie! Why do some people assume that because I don’t believe in God I must be a bad person? I don’t assume that all religious people are zealots, out there to convert the masses. Why? I’ve met people who were my friends until they found out I don’t worship a religion, then I never hear from them again.What is with this?
A: For some reason, people equate atheists with immorality. This is, of course, untrue. I don’t believe in a “God” or a religion and I am a kind and fair person. Also, people don’t like to be challenged in their beliefs, because deep down they realize there is no proof, there is only their faith. They don’t want to be made fools of, which is exactly what religion does to them.Check out the Brights, a group of people who do not believe in anything supernatural, but are interested in having some political clout. They are putting a positive spin on atheism.
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