Flak Vest Devotion #32 – Marine Corps Blood Stripes

“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26:28 (NIV)

While other branches of the military have changed their uniforms, the Marine Corps dress uniforms have remained virtually the same for years. Perhaps the most famous Marine Corps uniform is the very noticeable dress blues. The pants are a plain dark blue for Privates through Lance Corporals. However, when promoted to Corporal, a Marine may add the “blood stripe” to his dress blues trousers. This crimson-colored stripe is very distinctive on the dress blues pants and is commonly seen with Marine Corps recruiters. Marine Corps tradition holds that this stripe is worn in memory of very high casualties the Corps experienced in the Battle of Chapultepec in the Mexican War. These vertical trouser stripes are a stark reminder that freedom is not free.

Symbols reflecting back to bloodshed for the sake of victory are not restricted to the Marines. Many people can be seen wearing crosses on necklaces. These crosses remind us of how Jesus Christ died on a rocky hill outside of Jerusalem. Some crosses are plain and distinctive while others are very ornate. Many people wear them out of deep religious convictions while others wear them merely as a popular accoutrement. For the devout Christian, a crucifix is a daily reminder that freedom is not free.

It’s amazing how freedom is usually linked to bloodshed. In fact, the Bible says, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (NIV) History is replete with military troops who have performed great acts of heroism. People have thrown themselves on grenades to shield their colleagues from the deadly blasts. Soldiers and Marines have charged into intense enemy fire to take out an enemy laying down deadly fire. Many of these received the military’s highest decoration, The Congressional Medal of Honor. Sadly, most received this prestigious award posthumously. These heroes are a reminder that freedom is not free.

Through the ages since Jesus hemorrhaged to death on that Roman device of torture, there have been martyrs of the faith who sought to further the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Ironically, the liberating faith in Jesus can cost someone their life since this profound gospel message is seen as a threat to false religions around the world. God only has one plan. Any other plan is a counterfeit that has been created by man. Salvation is only found through Jesus Christ. He himself stated this in John 14:6 when He proclaimed, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Although he paid the price for our freedom, the gift of His salvation is totally free.

Father remind me often of the price that has been paid for my earthly freedom by many of our military. But, more importantly help me to remember and acknowledge on a daily basis the price that Jesus Christ paid for my salvation. Help me to remember that freedom is not free.

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