Life Shines on the Peak

In a burst of fresh air and a flick of a lighter
The days come and go as the money gets tighter
Weakened by the strain of enduring the climb
Waking up, lying down across the passage of time
But indefatigable to the pressures of demand
Outcomes never following ideas that were planned

But a new energy strikes a light deep down in the mind
We learn weakness is the enemy the dark heart designed
Reaching out for a hand we’re only falling back down
The puzzled man with no answers fearing soon he will drown
But good days grace the soul with the will to stand tall
Bite the bullet, chase the dream, he makes a rise from the fall

The world around him unaware, facing struggles each day
As his turns, another’s will spin frantically in a relative way
He sees a light on the shining edge of a peak in the sky
Every obstacle before his sights he dreams to defy
Some know where he’s been, and help him reach where he’ll be
When he grasps the strength to make his new ways into reality

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