Politically Incorrect Life Coaching Pt.1: Don’t Depend on God for Everything

Growing up Christian, I was taught to pray and go to church and ask God for anything that I needed. I would pray for things and sit and wait, hoping that my wishes will be granted.

Some of them were, and some of them weren’t. I couldn’t understand why some of my prayers were answered and others were not.

I do think that God has the authority and right to say no. After all, he is our heavenly father, and all parents say no at least sometimes. But the majority of the prayers that weren’t answered weren’t answered for one reason: I was supposed to answer it.

God gave us the ability to work hard and do things to our full potential. Sometimes we ask God for help before we even need it. We ask him to do our part of the deal, and that’s not how it works. We have to do our part, then he does his part.

I’ve learned that God always meets you halfway. He does the things that we can’t possibly do on our own. He controls the things we can’t control.

So as much as we may want God to handle everything, he will not. He leaves some responsibility to us, and we have to do all we can to get what we want, as long as it’s ethical of course. God always steps in, and he truly has an awesome way of finishing the job.

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