Tips for Writing a Novel for National Write a Novel Month

National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo) is almost here! Starting November 1, participants will have thirty days to crank out that 50,000 word novel. If you have been putting off writing your novel, this is the perfect catalyst to get you going!

The novel writing begins at 12:00 a.m. on November 1, and ends at midnight on November 30. To be counted as a winner, the words of your novel will be electronically counted to ensure you met the 50,000 word minimum. Then, you achieve a winner’s certificate, and you can celebrate your accomplishment!

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Plot Outline

Start with a plot outline to get your writing going. This will be the easiest way to develop your plot. I like to break this outline down into chapters. What’s great about this is you can see beforehand if your plot doesn’t make sense, or if you need to move a sub-plot somewhere else in your novel. Your plot outline should, at minimum, include: the location, the people involved, and some general sub-plot. In other words, what’s going on? Do not be surprised if this takes you a few days. Once you have this down, you will be amazed at how fast that novel flows from your fingertips!

Character Sketches

Okay, so you have a general idea of where you want your novel to go. You should follow up your plot outline with character sketches. Use a blank page for each character, and provide details about them. Who are they? What do they look like? What are their plots? What are their relationships to each other?


If you want your novel to have any sort of credibility, I recommend spending a day on research. Research the location your characters are supposed to be in, and be sure to research any background information you may have given your characters. Do not spend more than a day. You can always go back after you reach your deadline!


Writing effective dialogue is essential for the flow of a novel. You do not want it to sound too stiff, so spend a day listening to how people talk. Go to a restaurant and just listen around you. You will notice that dialogue is not as complex as you think. Make it sound as close to real speech as possible. A good way to do this is to read it aloud. Be sure to break it up with some description of action, and avoid using “he said/she said” too often. It takes the attention away from the dialogue.

Now, you have everything you need to start that novel. The important thing to remember here is that you only have one month to do this, so do not focus on your mistakes! Just keep writing and edit later! Get that novel done, no matter what it takes!

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