Bed and Breakfast

I had been driving all day, and now it was getting dark. I pulled off of the highway and drive down a dark little gravel road. I desperately needed to crawl into bed. It seemed I drove for miles to find, nothing. Now it was completely dark. So dark there were no shadows at all! I could hardly see the sides of the road. I stayed in the middle of the gravel road so I would not be sucked off the side of the road into the ditch on the sides of the road.

I saw a two-story house in the darkness, with a sign out front that said “Bed and Breakfast. I turned my blue Chevrolet into the driveway and parked. I drug out of her my and entered a brightly lit, large kitchen. The owner, an old woman that looked like an old pirate, welcomed me and gave me directions to my room upstairs.

An old man came down the beautiful wood staircase, complaining that his hat was gone. The old lady looked at him with one eye squinting. She said not to worry, that happens here a lot, it is probably now downstairs. He didn’t understand why his hat should now be downstairs, when he had put it on the bedpost when he went to bed. He had not taken it off, or went anywhere.

He wandered around the old-fashioned, but comfortable living room. There it was, on the coffee table! Amazing!

I looked around again at the Bed and Breakfast, and went upstairs to the room I had been assigned. I crawled into bed fully dressed, too tired to change. I wondered abut the old man and his hat. How did it get downstairs? And how did the old lady know?

I was almost asleep when I heard heavy footsteps on the stairway, and then coming toward my room. I sprang out of bed, looked outside my room to see nothing. Something went bump! This was no ordinary Bed and Breakfast. I had tried the bed, but I was not staying for breakfast!

I grabbed my stuff and went carefully down the wooden stairs, down the short hall and out to my dependable Chevrolet. Jumped in, started her up and headed back toward the highway.

It’s amazing how freight of a haunted Bed and Breakfast will wake a person up. I think I can drive for miles now. Especially since I am getting farther and farther from the strange Bed and Breakfast down the dark gravel road!

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