Bible Verses to Inspire You

Inspirational bible verse to give you hope

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future” (just1word).
As a little girl I little I felt loved, appreciated and valued as any little girl should, but as my teenage years rolled around with hormones going wild and parents divorcing after twenty years of marriage, my self-esteem plunged to a bottomless pit of despair and depression. Thankfully, my neighbor took me under her wing and adopted me in spirit as she saw my life aimlessly crashing. This precious second Mommy of mine took me to inspirational concerts where I sang at the top of my lungs the sweet songs of hope and blessing. Marietta invited me to church gatherings where inspirational bible verses comforted my soul and encouraged my heart. One of the most life-changing verses I heard was Jeremiah 29:11. I learned that the God I had trusted in as a little girl loved me so much He had a plan for my life. This plan didn’t include pain or disappointment, in fact, His plan was to give me hope and to create a prosperous future for me! Once a young woman, I began to cling to this scripture when the storms of life threatened to suffocate me with its treacherous tides of despair and sorrow. Indeed knowing the Creator of this world cared enough to devise a plan for my life that was joyful gave me strength when I buckled at my knees. This verse fills me with peace when everything around me is caving in and it became a lifelong promise I hold deeply in my heart and turn to when I need hope to wake another day.

Bible verse to inspire and strengthen you

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength” (YouTube, hiraspurba).
This inspirational bible verse serves as a chief cornerstone on which my slothful motivation turns into supernatural drive to accomplish that which I was created to accomplish. Throughout life events have blindsided me and I was caught off guard only to fall into a paralyzing depression that seemed to take me down and take me out. While remembering that God has a plan for my life and wants to give me hope and a wonderful future, the pit of despair is as hollow as a rabbit hole void of its hare. Succumbing to disappointment and sorrow would engulf my days that turned into weeks, months and finally years of loss of life and joy. It is this verse that inspires me to move beyond my present situations, no matter what they are, and reach with all my might for the higher calling that was placed upon me when God created my very existence. Even through loss of loved ones, jobs, a home, pets and sometimes my focus on why I am alive, Jesus strengthens me to push ahead with magnificent gusto and break through barriers of inferiority, feelings of failure and revelations of noteworthy mistakes I have made in my life. I am convinced I can do all things with Jesus Christ living within me.

Inspirational bible verse offers peace

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (Bible Gateway).
This year as my family moves from one loss quickly into another, I struggle sometimes with anxiousness and panic. I tend to be a quick learner and had become the queen of rescuing, fixing and protecting those I love to their very doom more often than I’d like to admit. Undoing old habits and re-learning ways of life often throw me for a loop that leaves me barely treading water in a pool of discord and sheer agitation. Peace is far from my soul and some days I wrestle with wanting to just stop trying and bury myself in a hole. Then suddenly my spirit is calmed and I take a deep breath that stills my distraught heart. This peace is not something I can drum up on my own in a moment’s notice nor is it mildly invigorating. I’m talking about the peace that can only come from God above. As I seek inspirational bible verses such as this one, comfort fills my heart and suddenly I am lifted to a higher place that transforms my very being, changing my present and future circumstances in some of the most remarkable ways.

It’s all good when inspired by God

Romans 8:28 “And now we know all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Bible Gateway).
I remember several years ago my family was looking to buy a property with two houses so that we could each have a home and yet enjoy the company of eachother without invading eachother’s space. My husband, son, daughter, son-in-law and son went looking at many houses for months on end and finally found a beautiful place we could all call home. Papers were soon drawn and every dime we had saved to use as a down payment was cheerfully gathered. As out excitement rose and my daughter and I began to look for decor and some new furnishings and garden items for the rear patio we got a call from our realtor the property was not going to qualify to be purchased with the only loan we were able to qualify for at that time. We were so disappointed and could not begin to understand why after so many months of looking and discussing our dream of owning property together had been dashed with a simple phone call. Then, only two months later, my son-in-law told us he lost his job, just like that. Wow! We didn’t whether to cry or rejoice but we actually did a little of both. Had we bought that piece of property with the homes and entered into a long contract to one day own them outright, it would not have taken long before we perhaps would have had to default on our purchase and earn ourselves a loss that would have devastated all of our lives. What seemed to be so confusing as well as disappointing turned out to be an event we have learned from time and time again. Seeing that God does work all things for our good took on a whole new meaning for my family and when things don’t turn out just the way we hope or dream they do, we remember that God sees the whole picture and we only see but a glimpse into what events are about to unfold in the months or even years ahead.


YouTube, hiraspurba

Bible Gateway

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