Read This If You Want to Commit Suicide

Life is hard. In fact, a friend of mine from boarding school used to say all the time “Life’s a bitch, and then you die!” and this is true. Morbid, but true. We all realize this at some point in our lives, but there are some of us that can’t get our minds off of the negative things going on in our world. People have been committing suicide ever since God blessed us with the gift of life.

Some religions believe that suicide is a carnal sin. They say if you commit suicide, in your afterlife you will suffer eternal damnation…

…but I’m getting ahead of myself. That is one of the reasons why you should not do it. I will get to that soon enough.

My reason for writing this article is that, I too, have battled depression and I know how overwhelming the feeling of futility can be for others suffering this disease (and it is a disease). However, I’m here to say that THERE IS HOPE!

All those specials on television is not just propaganda by the drug companies to sell you drugs. People are actually out there studying this thing, because it is a common part of the human condition. So, one thing you should do if you’re suffering from depression is RESEARCH! Understanding your condition can make you better able to handle it by seeking treatment in the right places…

…but again, I’m getting ahead of myself. I will list actions you should take later on. First, here are some reasons NOT to commit suicide.

1. No matter what your religious leader tells you, 40 virgins are not waiting for you on the other side! I say this in jest, because I did not come here from the other side to warn you, nor have I spoken with anyone from the other side who knows this to be true. However, I do believe that each living creature that was put on this Earth serves a purpose. I don’t believe that you enjoy any special luxuries after death (such as kingdoms in the sky or beautiful women that have never been defiled by other men) that can not be achieved here on Earth. Heaven is here on Earth, you just have to either find it, or make it!

2. The best is yet to come. You may be saying to yourself, “I’ve tried! I did everything right, but everything has gone horribly wrong!” This might seem true now, but when you are depressed, your view tends to become very myopic. You only see a limited scope of the world. Once you are out of your depressed state (and I will suggest some things to do later on) you will begin to see all the signs you missed. It is a fact that our brains can only process a limited amount of information at any given time. With the right treatment you’ll be able to see all the wonderful things that you are missing.

3. Things are not as bad as they seem. I think there are wars going on, and bills to pay and people die and the economy is bad and gas prices go up, but think of all the good things that are happening. Babies are being born, amusement parks are there for you to have fun, people are graduating from school and getting married. There are a lot of good things going on in the world all the time. Sometimes, you just have to stop and look!

4. Think about all the people you’ll be leaving behind. There are a lot of people in this world who love and care about you. You might not see it now, but they are there. For one, there is your family. Second, your friends. There are people you meet every day, and you might not realize it, but you are touching their lives with every word you speak to them. So, don’t leave them alone. The world may just be a little bit brighter for them knowing that you are in it!

5.The best is yet to come! Life gets better as you get older. You won’t realize that until you get older, but it does! You understand things more, and you learn from the mistakes of your youth. Doing things becomes easier, you get more priveleges in life. It’s great! So, stick around, because the best is yet to come!

What to do when you feel the urge to commit suicide…

1. Talk to someone. If you tell a parent, sibling or close friend about your feelings, they may be able to help you deal with your feelings. They can help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel of life. Don’t give up. There is hope!

2. See a counselor. A therapist or a psychiatrist can help you sort out the reasons behind your suicidal feelings. You may even be suffering from a disorder that is bringing on this feelings and a psychiatrist could help prescribe medications that will rid you of those urges.

3. Write in a journal. Sometimes it helps to express your feelings in a journal. There are plenty of online resources that allow you to have a journal online. Some of them include, and If you don’t want others reading your personal thoughts, you can always take a notebook and pen and chronical your feelings through this troublesome time.

4. Do research. Look for websites on symptoms of depression, or get pamphlets on depression from a psychiatrist’s office. Sometimes understanding the disease helps you better look for ways of overcoming it. Websites, brochures, books, and movies are just some of the resources we have out there that can help you better understand and overcome these feelings of depression.

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