Searching TheTrail to Happiness

Why does she feel this emptiness? She does after all, have everything a woman could want and then some.
Possibly the same old grind, day in and day out. Up and running each and every day. No time for self
reflection and when she does get the time, someone else will call and find something for her to do.

What used to make her happy? She starts to reminisce about what she feels were happier times. The first thing that flashed in her mind was her sixteenth birthday party. Oh what a day that was!

She had come home from school and gone up to her room to start her homework before dinner. About an hour had gone by when her Mother called to her asking that she come down for a minute, she had something she would like her to do. She acknowledged and slid the book aside placing the assignment between the pages to mark her spot.

She went downstairs and rounded the corner toward the kitchen, when suddenly people jumped out from everywhere! Surprise! All of her friends were there and even the boy she had the biggest crush on! Oh that feeling of warmth and love, wow. Yes that was a happy time.

Further on in her thoughts, she again remembered a time that made her so very happy, when she met the man of her dreams. They had met shortly after high school graduation. Both were working and went to the same coffee shop in the mornings. One morning he bumped her arm and her coffee went spraying everywhere. He quickly helped her clean up the spill and their eyes locked and she felt something she had not known until now. That they would be together, somehow.

The night he proposed to her was probably the most wonderful night of her life. She thought about how it all came to pass. It wasn’t that romantic, but they were so in love they didn’t care. Of all places to propose, They had gone to do their laundry, when she put the last load into the dryer, she turned to see him on one knee with his hands holding out the most beautiful ring she had ever seen, and with a little grin on his face, he popped the question. Yes, That moment was also a great feeling of happiness.

Now she began to get her coat, feeling that maybe a walk could help clear her head. As she opened the door the crisp air bit at her nose, she was chilled but continued on anyway. It was late October and most of the leaves had fallen from the trees and they rustled as she walked through them. She found herself walking a path in the city park . She had walked this trail many times and wondered if she could even guess how many.

She continued on her way and after a bit she stopped and sat on a bench, listening to the water from a nearby creek that ran along the pathway. It was sunny and the leaves were so brilliant with color, she just took it all in and smiled. Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning , it hit her. Happiness, my dear, is just this. The beauty that you have inside. Things do not make you happy, events, friends, family, and nature. These things always make you smile and give you the warmth of happiness you desire so badly.

Happiness comes from within. It can not be bought, worn or even sold. With that thought, she smiled again, stood up and finished the walk to home.

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