The Introduction of the Arty McMetal

A few years back when I worked in radio as a morning show co-host and producer, we did an event at an Irish bar on St. Patrick’s Day. It was in northern New Jersey at a bar called Sullivan’s. We had our listeners come and meet us on their way to work for some green bagels and coffee. If you didn’t have to go to work, well you could start drinking since the bar was open. Little did I know on that morning a new Irish drink would have been created and named after me!

As you can see in the pictures, I was dressed with a large green and white hat with a brown medieval style tunic with the metal sign on it. For that St. Patrick’s Day I was going by the name Arty McMetal. We had a bagpiper and drummer play some classic rock party anthems during the show to give the party a bit of an Irish rock feel to it. We interviewed the owner of the bar who was one hundred percent Irish and he spoke about his fond memories of this holiday. I always loved broadcasting a show out somewhere since we had a chance to hang out with our listeners. The host of the show, Jay felt that there needed to be something more to set this party apart from other St. Patrick’s Day festivities from the past.

Jay and the owner of the bar concocted a new Irish drink that I had to chug on the air and in front of everyone at the bar. I felt like I was up to the challenge until I heard what was in the beverage. The following contents filled my pint glass. It contained Guinness, Harp Lager, Baileys, Jameson, Powers Gold Label, Tullamore Dew, and Irish Mist. Needless to say this drink had some potent alcohol in it and I did not know how I was going to survive the ordeal after chugging this drink. It felt like I was back in my old college days.

Jay told me the next time we come back live on air, I would be drinking the freshly mixed pint that was right in front of me. So my nerves were building while a few songs were playing and I knew it soon would be my time to sample the drink. The last song ends and Jay brings us back on air and he introduces the brand new Irish drink to our listeners called the Arty McMetal. Jay then gave me the go ahead to start drinking. I tipped the glass back while the crowd at the bar chanted my name. After what seemed to be forever I finished the drink and kept it all down.

Most of the people at the bar were happy to see I could hold my own liquor and some, including Jay, were upset that nothing happened after I finished the drink. That St. Patrick’s Day will always stand out to me for the fun times I had while being on the morning show and especially since that a drink named after me that day.

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