Can an abscessed tooth be deadly

Health related question in topics Abscessed Tooth .We found some answers as below for this question “Can an abscessed tooth be deadly”,you can compare them.

A:Symptoms may include: Tooth pain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant. In some people, pain results only when pressure MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can an abscessed tooth be deadly
Can an abscessed tooth be deadly
Symptoms may include: Tooth pain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant. In some people, pain results only when pressure MORE

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can an abscessed tooth kill you?
Q: I have had a really bad toothache for over 2 weeks and now my face is swelling a little bit, it’s possibly an abcessed tooth I’m just curious if it is deadly or not please help!!!
A: An abscess is an active infection that is in the blood stream running its course throughout the body. If there is swelling involved, that is an indication that the body is unable to clean this infection up on its own. You will need to see your dentist to evaluate and treat this condition. Yes, there have been cases where a dental abscess left untreated, has been know to be the cause of death.
How dangerous are wisdom tooth abscesses?
Q: My boyfriend believes he has one. He is running a high fever (around 101 and 102), and has severe pain in one of his wisdom teeth. I think he needs to see a doctor immediately, but he doesn’t want to go for fear he won’t be able to afford the price to get it removed. I really don’t know much about it though, except that it can be deadly. Can you fill in the blanks?
A: removal is cheaper than root canals, think about it, do you want to suffer from heart disease due to the infection or a high fever that can be quite dangerous, your bf needs antibiotics most likely, but he needs to see a dds.
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis?
Q: Um… I’m seriously worried. I had/have a tooth abscess thing above my top tooth, the one to the left of my very front teeth. The bubble pretty much popped, but it’s still kind of there and still is a little sensitive.Now, the sensitive part on my gums seems to have moved upwards, and I can feel it next to my nose, like kind of where my sinuses are. It’s NOT pain, but like fluid is in there and it’s a weird kind of light pressure. I am SO worried that the infection is moving up closer to my brain.I have a dentist apt. on Mon. morning, but I’m worried.. what if something bad happens before then. Is it possible that I have that Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis thing? I heard that’s deadly, and that it’s dangerous to have an infection here. I had an dentist apt. a few weeks ago, when my tooth still hurt, but he didn’t mention me taking any meds or anything for this. But he was also a crappy dentist, which is why I have a new apt tomorrow with someone else.But, could this be really serious?
A: Probably not, it is most likely pressure from the swelling, I would wait until monday unless there is any noticable worsening of the condition.
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