Do breast implants effect breast feeding

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Nerves, milk ducts, and milk glands can be damaged during implant surgery. Injured nerves can decrease the feeling in your More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do breast implants effect breast feeding
Do breast implants effect breast feeding
Nerves, milk ducts, and milk glands can be damaged during implant surgery. Injured nerves can decrease the feeling in your More?
How will pregnancy effect breast implants and is breastfeeding po…?
My friend who has impants had triplets in December…..while she was pregnant it didn’t affect her implants, but her breast did swell and get bigger…and in fact she does breastfeed. Her implants are the ones that go under the muscle. Her …
What are the effects of silicone gel-filled breast implants on pr…?
Women with breast implants do not risk exposing their breastfed children to excessive amount of silicone. The Institute of Medicine concluded, “No evidence of elevated silicone in breast milk or any other substance that would be deleterious…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do breast implants effect breast feeding and pregnancy?
Q: I don’t have them nor do I want them.. I’m just curious if it would affect anything during pregnancy.
A: Breast implants don’t really effect breastfeeding- the implants are inserted either above or below the functional tissue that makes the milk- they do however effect production and storage of breast milk. Because the implants take up more room in the breast there is not a lot of room for milk storage- that is the main issue. Mom’s with implants who want to nurse may find that they have to nurse more frequently in order to keep the breast empty or they may have a diminished supply of milk.Here is link that also talks about the risk of silicone poisoning in women and breast milk.
Breast Implants, and Breast feeding?
Q: So my chest isn’t small, a full D cup… but I’m dieting, and I’m concerned that I’ll loose the size of my breasts… my husband said if they (chest) started to get smaller, that he would pay for me to get my boobs done. But we’re planing on starting a family within the next year, I’m concerns are; will having implants, effect my ability to breats feed??
A: You may be able to, but the info I found (posted below) says it is possible there will be problems and it is best to wait to have implants until after the baby if you are planning on having one.Besides – it would be better for you to wait. When you get pregnant and are breastfeeding, most likely your breast size will increase quite a bit during this time. Even small breasted women often get quite large during pregnancy/breast feeding. Also after breast feeding, your breast shape and appearance will likely change quite a bit. That’s another good reason to wait until after the baby to have the surgery if you really feel it is necessary. They may need to insert the implant differently than they would if you did not have a child or breast feed and if you really want the surgery, you’ll likely have better results if you wait until after the baby.The potential problemIf your breasts have been surgically enlarged with silicone or saline implants, your nipples may be more or less sensitive than normal.Once you’ve delivered a baby and your milk has come in, you may have exaggerated breast engorgement with pain, fever, and chills that are more intense than usual.Can I breastfeed?It’s likely, but it depends on the kind of surgery you had. Incisions made under the fold of the breast or through the armpit shouldn’t cause any trouble. The most popular method, making a “smile” incision around the areola, puts you at greater risk for problems.If the nerves around the areola were not cut or damaged during surgery, you may be able to nurse fully or partially. Nerves are vital to breastfeeding because they trigger the brain to release prolactin and oxytocin, two hormones that affect milk production. Your chances of breastfeeding also improve if your milk duct system is intact.There’s no evidence that silicone from silicone implants leaks into breast milk, but even if it did, it probably wouldn’t harm your baby. Silicone is very similar to a substance used to treat babies’ stomach gas.SolutionYou won’t know the full extent of nerve damage — if any — until you try to nurse.Let your baby’s doctor know about your surgery. She’ll need to keep a close eye on your baby’s weight gain to make sure he’s getting enough to eat.If you’re able to produce only a portion of the breast milk your baby needs, you’ll need to supplement with formula.If you’re thinking about getting breast implants but want to nurse your baby, postpone surgery until after you’ve given birth and breastfed your last child..
Breast implants help please?
Q: What are the pros and cons of getting breast implants, how does it effect breast feeding and what is the average cost??
A: Cons:ExpensiveMakes you look fakeSets bad example for your kidsNo breast feedingCould cause medical complicationsThey’re going to suck when you’re olderPros:You get to look like you have perfect breasts for a few years until you start getting old.
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